What is your opinion on gay marriage?


EOG Dedicated
I've always been conflicted on this issue. I don't care what people do behind closed doors but I was riased that marriage was sanctimony between a man and woman.

Laws were created for married couples (man and woman) because child birth was hoped for/expected. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I disagree with gay marriage. Possibly it's the Church that has influenced me but I know it was also how I was raised in my household.


EOG Dedicated
Re: What is your opinion on gay marriage?

If they do it, so be it...

But, I'm not a fan of it hels.

Thanks for sharing your opinion :cheers

We all should have our say and we often keep it quiet because of possible backlash.


EOG Senior Member
Re: What is your opinion on gay marriage?

I don't like it but at least they can be miserable like the rest of us...............:lol


EOG Master
Re: What is your opinion on gay marriage?

I see no problem with kinger and tripp walking down the aisle.