I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

Yeah, that's a pretty good one Jimmy. According to Wiki, he will turn 65 in December. If you would have offered a bet on that, you probably would've had many takers


TYVM Morgan William!!!
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive


O.J. Simpson

is still alive. i thought by now someone woulda done to him what he did to Nicole and Ron. and its not like the Police woulda looked real hard to find the "real killer" since they all know O.J. got away with murder back in June 1994. i thought someone woulda taken care of him by now

i'll add a few more

Shrink - I thought once he hit 90-years-old his health would deteriorate but in the 5 years since he has only gotten healthier. i realize that anything bad can happen to a 95-year-old guy but he looks like he is going strong still

Amy Winehouse - how she is still alive i have NO CLUE

Hamid Karzai - Who? Prez of Afghanistan - thought Al Qaeda or someone like that woulda bumped him off YEARS ago

Hache Man

"Seven Days Without Gambling Makes One Weak"
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

Maybe bump this in the future if he wins.........

Barack Obama
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

Considering it's been like 17 years since he announced he was HIV Positive, surprised Magic is still alive and well here in 2008.

Makes me think someone got his test wrong or he's rich and famous enough to get the "good" drugs
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

Magic got the old, non-toxic HIV.

That was back in the day before Rev. Wright's diabolical plot by the government to use HIV as a weapon against the Afro-American.


EOG Master
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

Magic Johnson, just goes to show you that there is a cure for aids: WEALTH

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

George Bush ....

ohhhh shit ... who in the hell would have the guts knowing Cheney is warming up in the bullpen


EOG Master
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

George Bush ....

ohhhh shit ... who in the hell would have the guts knowing Cheney is warming up in the bullpen

I think it was George Lopez in one of his comedy routines said that the only way a black president would not be killed is if he had a hispanic as his vice president.

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

Road Dawg:

Ya mean Tim Osman ... aka ... the CIA agent that goes by Bin Laden


EOG Dedicated
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

hoagie and tommy tooth
locals ,throw wentworth in he just got a dui friday at 59 years old
hoagie is 52 tooth is 45 ,these guys were hard core from early teens and have just keep going .


EOG Dedicated
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

1) Fidel Castro
2) Luis Farakhan
3) Al Sharpton
4) Jesse Jackson
5) G Bush

Doc Mercer

EOG Master
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

Cheney has a mechanical heart ....

That bastard probably lives to 150