I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive


EOG Master
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

Just doesn't seem right Scartown, Owen Hart dead and Jake Roberts still hanging on

Not wishing death on the guy, just pointing out that Owen was a clean cut,family man and Jake has probably done more drugs and drinking than everyone in this thread combined

this is a very interesting thread12io4j2w90

Kinda like a reverse death pool .


EOG Master
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

I am submitting John Wooden and Hugh Hefner, no pun intended.


EOG Addicted
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

Michael Moore. You can only eat so many double bacon cheesburgers.


All I do is trytrytry
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

this guy is still alive

Man presumed dead in 1976 Colo. flood found alive
<!-- BEGIN STORY BODY -->2 hours, 40 minutes ago

<!-- end storyhdr -->FORT COLLINS, Colo. - A man believed to have died in a Colorado flood in 1976 has been found living in Oklahoma.
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Sixty-three-year-old Darrell Johnson told the Fort Collins Coloradoan for a story Friday that he didn't know he had been counted among the 144 victims of the Big Thompson Canyon flood until a resident called him last year.
Barb Anderson said residents didn't want his name on a memorial plaque without proof he was dead.
Johnson and his family had decided to leave their shabby cabin the morning of the flood after just one night. A few hours later, the resort was washed away.
How Johnson ended up on the victims list remains a mystery.
He now directs funerals in Oklahoma City and acknowledges he was lucky to get the bad cabin.


EOG Senior Member
Re: I am VERY SURPRISED that _______ is still alive

I forgot about Steven Hawking! Amazing he's still alive. Add Jason Becker also. ALS kills quick and without doubt. Rare indeed for these two to still be around.