2024 Circa/Westgate roll call

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Arizona State wasn't really a loss with the bracket. I haven't lost a bracket game. Only game left is Ohio State vs Texas. Other 2 only scenarios positioning. 15 minutes and Ohio State away.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Every new rooster has to be Texas even though I think Day runs a Buckeyes train on Sark. I'll add them to every existing scenario.


EOG Master
nice happy ending here !! excellent job DD. Send info, if you want to save a few dollars for a rainy day, you have that option as well. Please spend some on yourself, don't use it all to gamble but of course do whatever you want just a suggestion.


EOG Dedicated
Million Dollar++ fumble it appears by Bears to let the Packers kick the go ahead FG. Let's see if the Packers do something to let the Bears set up the winning kick so there's a Survivor Electric Finish!