Herbstreit is a nightmare

Woodrow Wilson

EOG Dedicated
Herbstreit is the ultimate coward, liar, and pussy...albeit very wealthy.

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EOG Master
haha, what do these liberal jews do now that they know that the BLM they created is run by Hamas supporters. Part 2, IT has now been proved that Floyd death was 100% because of fentanyal and 0% because a police rested his knee on his shoulder, and their was a rush to judgement because of BLM and Media noise


EOG Dedicated
every time I buy a case of Coke, a few pennies go to the BLM mansion fund, addictions have consequences ...


EOG Dedicated
Defending a racist, anti-Semitic piece of shit, how sad

I'm not defending him, but at this point you deserve to be made fun of.
Railbird doesn't believe the things he posts, he just does it because he knows you'll respond.
How many times have you called women a "cunt" on this board? Do you even realize how repulsive and misogynistic that is? Someone else calls someone a name, and they're horrible. You do it, and it's all right since you're on the moral high ground.


EOG Master
I'm not defending him, but at this point you deserve to be made fun of.
Railbird doesn't believe the things he posts, he just does it because he knows you'll respond.
How many times have you called women a "cunt" on this board? Do you even realize how repulsive and misogynistic that is? Someone else calls someone a name, and they're horrible. You do it, and it's all right since you're on the moral high ground.
thats liberalism 101, everybody is a racist, and his side has all the victimhood, professional crybabies


EOG Master
Why do you care? Why does it bother you so much when I respond to him? Tell you what, I'll keep telling him to fuck himself, and you can keep calling me out for it and defending him, maybe if you were Jewish his anti-Semitic posts would bother you, if John were black or Jewish he would have banned him long ago, but he doesn't care since he's not personally affected, last year railbird joined a new forum, a forum run by someone who is Jewish, the racist piece of shit lasted about two weeks posting his non stop bigotry, he was warned to stop, but didn't and got banned, he's allowed to shit all over this place because John doesn't care, well I do, I don't have the power to ban him, but I can, and will continue to call him out when he posts his bigoted bullshit, and you can continue defending him
how do you call yourself a jew when you dont believe in God. I dont dislike you because your a jew, i dislike you because your a liberal douchebag. bet against black coaches is really betting against liberal affirmative action hires. do i want a black or women surgeon? or a black or women pilot? no. same reason i dont want them shoved down my throat as a coach because of liberalism. Liberalism is really code for satanism because it is from the bowels of hell.

boston massacre

EOG Master
I'm not defending him, but at this point you deserve to be made fun of.
Railbird doesn't believe the things he posts, he just does it because he knows you'll respond.
How many times have you called women a "cunt" on this board? Do you even realize how repulsive and misogynistic that is? Someone else calls someone a name, and they're horrible. You do it, and it's all right since you're on the moral high ground.

at this point you deserve to be made fun of.

You Just Realizing This ???

He's A Big Dumb Liberal Snow Flake.

You're Just Finding Out Now ???????????????

boston massacre

EOG Master
I'm not defending him, but at this point you deserve to be made fun of.
Railbird doesn't believe the things he posts, he just does it because he knows you'll respond.
How many times have you called women a "cunt" on this board? Do you even realize how repulsive and misogynistic that is? Someone else calls someone a name, and they're horrible. You do it, and it's all right since you're on the moral high ground.

No He's Not.

He's a Big Dildo Brain.

boston massacre

EOG Master
Wrong, of course he believes the bullshit he posts, he started his bet against black coaches thread 11 years ago, that's long before I joined here, he's been posting his daily bigotry way before I was a member here, so he isn't posting to get me to respond, he's been doing it since day one. Jew this, black that, faggot this, of course he believes what he posts, go check out his facebook, it's the same shit he posts here, and like I said, he posted the same shit on another forum thinking it was okay and normal, he found out quickly it wasn't, this isn't an act, this is who he is, when someone is telling you day after day, year after year, that he's a racist, believe him

Go Hang Out With Your Brain Washed Snow Flake Biden Followers.

Biden's A Bigger Piece Of Shit Than You.

He Survives Because Of Dumb Brain Washed Snow Flakes Like You.
This thread is sorta' like the Dangerfield line about watching a fight and a hockey game breaking out.

I'm not a big fan of this ThNF booth pairing. Over and above Herbstreit, Michaels' manner of delivery is getting old. He arbitrarily emphasizes in the main "i" and "e" vowel sounds, like ". . . and the ball is spotted on the sevenTEEN yardline," when there's otherwise no reason for emphasis on that syllable given what's going on on the field. It's an affectation that's getting old for me. I'd rather broadcasters just speak in a mostly normal fashion.

I watch most games on NFL+ broadcast video after the fact, and more and more I'm hitting the 10-seconds-forward icon to get on to the next play also in the Michaels-Herbstreit broadcast, when I don't watch ThNF live. (I know you can get a condensed replay on NFL+ that does much of that for you, but I prefer to control it myself.)


EOG Master
I don't have a problem with Herbstreit on college games. But why is he doing NFL games? Two completely different games. No way can he be fully prepared to do both. I'm guessing whoever made this call was someone in their corporate office that was completely clueless.
They really need to put a cutoff timer on Herbstreit's mic -- similar to the play caller to QB feed that cuts off at I think 15 seconds on the play clock. I'm trying to click forward twice on the Black Friday game video (10 second increments) to get past all his BS, and he's still freakin' yaking irrelevant/obvious drivel at 07 seconds on the freakin' playclock. Most color commentators STFU once the offense is back at the line of scrimmage, only rarely talking past that point, except in relation to the offensive/defensive formations and the upcoming play. He just keeps on rattling on about whatever drivel he was going on about, right up to the snap.

He's really, really irritatingly bad. I hope he's not in an NFL booth in the 2024 season.

Either that or I need some sort of chip that filters him entirely out.
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EOG Master
Herbstreit is the ultimate coward, liar, and pussy...albeit very wealthy.

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cant stand this faggot