Watch the video, kane. If not altered, defend it.
I don't even know where to start, but here goes, first off the man he's guarding is going from one baseline to the other, there's no need for Lebron to run after him, he knows where he is on the baseline, if you watch an NBA game you'll see defenders do that all the time. Next, his team gets the ball and immediately heads down court on a fast break, of course the video clip doesn't show the result of the break, but you can see how quick the Suns came back down on the offensive end, so we can safely assume the Lakers took a quick shot on offense, so LeBron didn't feel the need to run down on offense, only to turn around and run back on defense, to not waste energy, he stayed back on defense, this is something that players do many, many times during a game, I mean you can't watch an NBA game and not see a player not run down on offense when his team is on a break, it literally happens all the time. Next, yeah he watches Durant drive to the rim, first off Durant isn't his man, if he was guarding him and did that, that's a problem, but he wasn't guarding Durant, the man he was guarding was off to his right near the baseline, if he leaves him man and moves toward Durant, then Durant can stop and pass it the open man in the corner, the man LeBron should have been guarding. I can 100% promise you that whoever the guy is on Twitter who posted it is another hater. Next, the entire clip stays focused on LeBron, why not show the entire sequence from a wide angle, the reason is, if it was shown on a wide angle, you would be able to see everything I posted, you would see why he didn't run with his man baseline to baseline, why he stayed back on defense, and why he didn't pick up Durant, but that wouldn't make him look bad, so of course the guy shows an isolated LeBron, without seeing the full play, it's easy to take the sequence out of context. Unlike the other haters who won't take the time to read this and realize what I'm saying, I think you will, you at least always try to be fair