Mitch Moss and Pauly Howard

Viejo Dinosaur

EOG Master
Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

Do you listen when taking your walks on the Newport Pier?


EOG Master
Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

I rotate piers. Balboa Newport hb and seal. HB is closed 12-5am. Seal was 24 yr round until restraiunt fire 2 years ago, not only 24 for summer. fence usually unlocked tho and longshore men have key access


EOG Dedicated
Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

Those two have tremendous chemistry together. Excellent show, listen to it every day on the way to work.

As far as piers, when I was in California, I walked to the Santa Monica Pier everyday from the hotel I was staying at, which was a 2 mile walk down Santa Monica Blvd...then from the Santa Monica Pier, I walked to the Venice Beach Pier, and then back. Did that 5 days in a row. Awesome time. Coming back later next month.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

Not enough substance from Moss and Howard. The yelling gets old fast. They couldn't make it in local Las Vegas radio. Howard was lost on the dial and Moss had a bad time slot. It shows why after you listen to them for a while. Gill's show has more substance but he has no personality.

John Kelly

Born Gambler
Staff member
Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

Mitch lost me when he defended R.J. Bell.

If memory serves, Bell was receiving some heat through social media when the controvresial Deadspin article broke in June of 2016.

Mitch then called R.J.'s critics a bunch of $5 and $10 parlay bettors.


EOG Addicted
Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

Re: Mitch Moss and Pauley Howard

Mitch lost me when he defended R.J. Bell.

If memory serves, Bell was receiving some heat through social media when the controvresial Deadspin article broke in June of 2016.

Mitch then called R.J.'s critics a bunch of $5 and $10 parlay bettors.

Yep, was the last time I ever listened to any of his shows. Mitch is pretty much an idiot.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Mitch Moss and Pauly Howard

One thing that bothered me is their record keepng on their picks, all just W- vig.

You're a gambling show and you can't include the vig associated with your selections, come on man.

John Kelly

Born Gambler
Staff member
Re: Mitch Moss and Pauly Howard

Good point about the vig, Joe.

One compliment: Pauly always comes well prepared for his assignments.


EOG Master
Re: Mitch Moss and Pauly Howard

magic- fail as talk show host . fail as broadcaster. fail as coach. fail as gm