Old Creepy Joe. Just getting it done

pro analyser

EOG Dedicated
Yes a technicality,Fema has a seperate fund for migrants, and disaster relief. If your house was destroyed including all your possesions wouldn't you feel the funds given to migrants should have been given to legal us citizens.

mr merlin

EOG Master
US oil production over time, you see the huge turn when the fracking boom took off rough;y 15 yrs ago, then the sharp jump when trump was elected just prior to the 2020 pandemic crash. Now some losers might say..."we're producing more now than under trump" but if he was still here that number would be 1-2-3 million bbls higher, which would mean a surplus and lower prices.


mr merlin

EOG Master
there is no way india will trust russia or china with their money

india security agreement is with the US.... why ? they really don't trust china or russia...they are business people like saudi
I was going off of some comments in that thread, apparently it was actually in china.

I believe Putin convinced india and china to deconflict their areas in the himalyan mountains last week, both sides are pulling back forces to the rear.


EOG Master
I was going off of some comments in that thread, apparently it was actually in china.

I believe Putin convinced india and china to deconflict their areas in the himalyan mountains last week, both sides are pulling back forces to the rear.

but it doesn't matter india doesn't trust them ...if they did they would give up the dollar

India is not giving up the dollar

mr merlin

EOG Master
but their missiles still point at each other...LOL

Great peace maker. Does something to help himself because the oil business is draining while china went to battery cars and building nuke plants.

all he has is india going forward. ...Security agreement is still with the west because modi doesn't trust china or russia...same with saudi
Chinas oil use is only going up, at least in the near term.

mr merlin

EOG Master
not all oil comes from russia..... to china...they seen what russia did to the west so russia lost on this...china is not a dope to box themselves in
Huh, what did russia do to the west? They did nothing, the west put sanctions on russian energy, not the other way around.


EOG Master
Huh, what did russia do to the west? They did nothing, the west put sanctions on russian energy, not the other way around.
Huh, what did russia do to the west? They did nothing, the west put sanctions on russian energy, not the other way around.

the west had a ton of business that was destroyed... vlad thought it was a 3 day war.... obama and trump along with biden were prepared with the CIA

the west gets to keep 300 billion of russian money to pay for the war

vlad fell into a trap

mr merlin

EOG Master
the west had a ton of business that was destroyed... vlad thought it was a 3 day war.... obama and trump along with biden were prepared with the CIA

the west gets to keep 300 billion of russian money to pay for the war

vlad fell into a trap
Putin will get most of it back and he has large offsetting billions of the wests money, that's putting aside the fact there isn't going to be a ukraine moving forward, at least not like it is now.


EOG Master
Putin will get most of it back and he has large offsetting billions of the wests money, that's putting aside the fact there isn't going to be a ukraine moving forward, at least not like it is now.

he has very little of the west money...that is why he is upset. He isn't much of this chess player that everyone thought

mr merlin

EOG Master
he has very little of the west money...that is why he is upset. He isn't much of this chess player that everyone thought
I haven't heard that they are upset at all, as far as I know they've written it off for now, ukraine will never get more than a few crumbs of that and it wont help them anyway, money cant stop the russian army.


EOG Master
I haven't heard that they are upset at all, as far as I know they've written it off for now, ukraine will never get more than a few crumbs of that and it wont help them anyway, money cant stop the russian army.

what is the first thing that comes out of putins mouth.... he wants the sanctions off... cannot buy a lot of items from supplier's

central bank rates are 21% ...inflation keeps going up to counter he has to raise the rates. lost

600k to injured and dead soldiers...afraid to mobilize his own people gets NK soldiers LOL

mr merlin

EOG Master
what is the first thing that comes out of putins mouth.... he wants the sanctions off... cannot buy a lot of items from supplier's

central bank rates are 21% ...inflation keeps going up to counter he has to raise the rates. lost

600k to injured and dead soldiers...afraid to mobilize his own people gets NK soldiers LOL
Sheet , they lose very few compared to ukraine, well under 100K dead.

mr merlin

EOG Master
I'll tell you what's going on with NK,, Kim is a paranoid little bastard, he's always worried about war with SK or the US.

North korea just signed this mutual assistance treaty with russia, they are begging putin to take NK troops because he #1 wants to show how reliable he is, #2 wants experience for his men in modern warfare, and #3 and most importantly wants to set the stage for reciprical help if they ever get into a war with south korea.,

Russia doesn't need them but will take them since it obviously makes things easier.


EOG Master
I'll tell you what's going on with NK,, Kim is a paranoid little bastard, he's always worried about war with SK or the US.

North korea just signed this mutual assistance treaty with russia, they are begging putin to take NK troops because he #1 wants to show how reliable he is, #2 wants experience for his men in modern warfare, and #3 and most importantly wants to set the stage for reciprical help if they ever get into a war with south korea.,

Russia doesn't need them but will take them since it obviously makes things easier.

NK is not in ukraine yet....NK is in kursk .. if they do Nato is allowed to join the war. That is how international law is set up.

mr merlin

EOG Master
NK is not in ukraine yet....NK is in kursk .. if they do Nato is allowed to join the war. That is how international law is set up.
Nato is already in ukraine, it's all nonsense, nato, the US, no one can stop the russians, it's just that simple.


EOG Master
Nato is already in ukraine, it's all nonsense, nato, the US, no one can stop the russians, it's just that simple.

the west took 12 countries off the russians...put them in nato.. If they were so big and bad they would get those countries back...they can't ..so they attack a non nato country..Ukraine is not in nato yet.... 3 years later the russians have 20% of ukraine and they are bleeding soldiers. .

ukraine has no air force or navy..