Republicans launch war on unions ("If they want to strike, they should be fired")

January 4, 2011

Republicans launch war on unions

NY Times - Republican lawmakers in Indiana, Maine, Missouri and seven other states plan to introduce legislation that would bar private sector unions from forcing workers they represent to pay dues or fees, reducing the flow of funds into union treasuries. In Ohio, the new Republican governor, following the precedent of many other states, wants to ban strikes by public school teachers.

Some new governors, most notably Scott Walker of Wisconsin, are even threatening to take away government workers? right to form unions and bargain contracts.

Many of the proposals may never become law. But those that do are likely to reduce union influence in election campaigns, with reverberations for both parties.

Of all the new governors, John Kasich, Republican of Ohio, appears to be planning the most comprehensive assault against unions. He is proposing to take away the right of 14,000 state-financed child care and home care workers to unionize. He also wants to ban strikes by teachers, much the way some states bar strikes by the police and firefighters.

?If they want to strike, they should be fired,? Mr. Kasich said in a speech. ?They?ve got good jobs, they?ve got high pay, they get good benefits, a great retirement. What are they striking for??


EOG Dedicated
Re: Republicans launch war on unions ("If they want to strike, they should be fired")

Fetch me 16 monkey boy!!I want more from you boy!!!Get on it!!!
Don't stop until you have the whole page filled!!
Re: Republicans launch war on unions ("If they want to strike, they should be fired")

Since union mobsters are responsible for at least half the mess in this country, it's only appropriate that half the politico forum is filled with news stories on how dangerous and threatening they are to Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.

I give you my word: as soon as Republicans abolish these fascist pigs, I will stop.



EOG Dedicated
Re: Republicans launch war on unions ("If they want to strike, they should be fired")

Since union mobsters are responsible for at least half the mess in this country, it's only appropriate that half the politico forum is filled with news stories on how dangerous and threatening they are to Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.

I give you my word: as soon as Republicans abolish these fascist pigs, I will stop.

I told you to get me 16!!!!Get to work slacker!!
Oh and yes that 11% of the workforce is causing all these problems.Take a blue pill and get busy now monkey boy.You are letting us down.
Re: Republicans launch war on unions ("If they want to strike, they should be fired")

It doesn't take a majority to screw up a country, only a very active militant minority.

Without unions, the America-hating Democrats in their current parasitic form would not exist, which is all you pretty much need to know.

Unions are the Nazi stormtroopers of the 'progressive' movement in America.

The sooner these fascist pigs are confronted and defeated, the sooner all freedom-loving patriots can go back to living their lives in harmony and peace.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Republicans launch war on unions ("If they want to strike, they should be fired")

What part of get me 16 do you not understand??
Now Markie you take that blue pill and get busy .BTW all those corporations that gave billions to the Democrats are laughing at what a fool you are.Keep up the good work monkey boy!