The 18,000 Obama Stock Market


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Which president was the last one to balance a budget? (with the help of the Republican congress). Which ex-president is the most popular?


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

You tea partiers are so loud about the budget, I'd thought you'd embrace a Clinton. Put your money where your mouth is!


EOG Addicted
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

I thought you were against corruption. Lets see the emails. Any republican would be in jail by now. Ridiculous


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Let me get this straight, SC, if you were a politician, you'd be 100% corrupt free?


EOG Addicted
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

a LITTLE corruption? What the hell is the matter with you. You've taken low information voter to a new level. Imagine Colin Powell as secretary of state having his emails on a private server as his wife ran a foundation that did not keep legal books. Do you think there would be an investigation? How do they leave office broke and then found a charity and become multi-millionaires? The charity evaluators cant even evaluate the so called foundation because of the structure of it. What the hell is the matter with you?????


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

So you find no fault that Dick Cheney was CEO of Halliburton, but then gave them a no-bid contract to service the Iraq War? Or do you ONLY focus on Democratic scandals?

Selective focusing. Let the American public decide!


EOG Addicted
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Your both mentality ill. To compare that to the Clinton Crime Family is embarrassing. Go back to sports and let the adults handle things!


EOG Addicted
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Yes, I knew they were rich before they left the White House. Hillary said they were broke when they left the White House. It was a joke. I'm in a trap here arguing with fools.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Your both mentality ill. To compare that to the Clinton Crime Family is embarrassing. Go back to sports and let the adults handle things!
What are we comparing here?You asked to name someone else who got rich from a charity, do you need more examples or not genius?


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Yes, I knew they were rich before they left the White House. Hillary said they were broke when they left the White House. It was a joke. I'm in a trap here arguing with fools.
You are only arguing with yourself but please keep amusing us.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

SC, i really think you are hell-bent against Hillary. If she wins, what are you going to do?


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Don't fall into that reality trap where you only see things like a race horse sees when wearing blinkers. Brucefan wants to be right so bad . . . im not rootiing for soup kitchens and 40% unemployment. Think positive, root for your guy or gal, but most important, don't get bent out of shape.


EOG Addicted
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

When it comes right down to it I don't really care. My life is good no matter who's elected. I'm just amazed people don't see what the Clintons are. The greatest manipulators of all time.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Well, the "greatest manipulator" balanced a budged with the help of a Republican Congress. Perhaps that's more important to Americans. Not only did he do something that is very rare, he compromised and WORKED WITH his political rivals. That's a quality that i and others admire. If your boss cheated on his wife, but brought in record profits leading to you getting a big Christmas bonus, would you complain about the cheating?


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

It's kind of like my thing about LBJ, i admitted to his faults, like his racist past and starting Vietnam, but i pointed out that despite his scandalous past, he pushed forward an agenda that lives on as one of the greatest acheivements in history, even though he knew it would sink him politically,


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Sorry that went over your head
No I'm sorry I wasted my time answering your question. Do you need to know anyone else that got rich from charities or are you just going to go on with your Clinton bash?


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Gentlemen, I say we tone it down. I just hope that whoever wins the election is a good President and I hope we all support him or her.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

The ONLY , and I mean ONLY way corruption , money, and influence in politics will end, is when there is nothing more to give out. As long as we as country continue to let the government grow , and give them more power, there will always be politicians gunning for it

The Clintons are disgusting people, but to their credit ,they creating a whole new system to steer money to them for influence . Go back and look at the Invesigation into insider trading by politicians , so they could benefit from legislation they know would pass , and bought stock in companies that soared in price because of it. If you give them power, there is no way to stop influence

If they have no money to spend, no one can lobby for it

Stop giving them power. Long live the Tea Party .


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Will the person who claims they would be a corrupt-free politician cast the first stone.

I used to think like you Brucefan. It's unhealthy because this is the system we have and it will always be this way. So why vote if you think these things. Every politician has some skeletons. But doesn't EVERY person too?


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

I like some of the Tea Party's ideals myself. I want politicians to be more responsible and yes, I'd like them to balance the budget. But I certainly don't want them not to compromise. That's what brings your whole movement down. Who wants to deal with the "my way or the highway" attitude? We teach our kids NOT to compromise? Isn't marriage all about compromise? Would you want your daughter to date a guy who had a "my way or the highway" mentality?


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Never compromise your principals . Compromise has gotten us into this mess

It's time to shrink government . A compromise is NOT slowing the rate of growth

People like Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul will do it, however I have no faith the electorate is smart enough to understand any of this

I think Bernie Sanders has a better shot preaching his Marxism.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Brucefan, it's attitudes like that that will always lead you down the road to defeat. Most people WANT our leaders to compromise because they respect that the other side needs to be represented. And you're defeating your own party. Because of this division, it's extremely hard to get a Republican president.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

I love answering the above question because no tea partier can answer it with any sense of realism. So they ignore it or give flippant answers.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

And who's going to vote for you ? The liberals? The Rhinos?

I agree with you. No one wants to hear the truth, that's why there is no hope

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EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Bruce, as i sit here, I'm unemployed, don't have a car, but tomorrow I'm going on a job interview, and I'm going to do my best to get that job, because I have confidence. Whether I get it or not, I'll still be happy of who I am and optimistic about my and our future. By the way you speak, you probably have many more material things than I do, yet you seem angry.

Cheer up, it's going to be alright,


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

Thank you both! I really want this job. It's 130 am and im getting up because i cant sleep anymore. Interview isnt till 230 pm.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The 18,000 Obama Stock Market

The company I'm interviewing at, i really like their business concept. I am a customer there and their employees really treat me well. That's why i want to join this team. I feel like I can be an asset.