The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

One next year when we run Harry Reid out of Nevada along with many of his incompetent Democrat friends and the final stake will be driven through Obama's heart in 2012 when we run his ass out in a Ronald Reagan type landslide. Will Obama win any state in 2012 ?

This mother fuckin' Obama is TOAST !!!! Say good bye to this piece of shit and chalk him up as one of the worst Presidents of all time.
Re: The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

Couldn't have said it better.

Astronomical debt, a slumping currency, draconian government control of the economy, record job losses, radical judges, a disastrous foreign policy, government takeover of health care, a job-killing energy bill, record plummeting approval ratings, Saul Alinsky Marxists everywhere you turn...

Re: The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

His Royal Highness Comrade Crown Prince Hussein is also a black man who is very near the white women, I might add. . .
Re: The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

Meanwhile, Joey's forecasting record for elections remains OhFer as Hoffman falls in NY state.

Good job, kid.

Let us know your prediction for any upcoming elections in your hometown of Toronto and of course clue us in on any national races in Canada.
Re: The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

Obama has clearly been a disappointment to many. But the question is whether the Republicans will come up with someone better in 2012, and whether independent and liberal voters would ever consider voting for a Republican president after all of the damage caused by the Bush Administration.

I think 2012 will be another Bush/Kerry type election where the opponent is so bad that voters will just stay with the incumbent even if he is not satisfactory.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

All I ask is that the Republicans nominate Sarah Palin.

The rest will take care of itself.


EOG Veteran
Re: The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

One next year when we run Harry Reid out of Nevada along with many of his incompetent Democrat friends and the final stake will be driven through Obama's heart in 2012 when we run his ass out in a Ronald Reagan type landslide. Will Obama win any state in 2012 ?

This mother fuckin' Obama is TOAST !!!! Say good bye to this piece of shit and chalk him up as one of the worst Presidents of all time.
it's all over for obama now!he should be resigning anyday now!:LMAOthe democrats are lost and will never get anything passed!
Re: The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

Obama has clearly been a disappointment to many. But the question is whether the Republicans will come up with someone better in 2012, and whether independent and liberal voters would ever consider voting for a Republican president after all of the damage caused by the Bush Administration.

I think 2012 will be another Bush/Kerry type election where the opponent is so bad that voters will just stay with the incumbent even if he is not satisfactory.

2012 GOP nominee:

GOP wins! :doh1
Re: The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

I honestly hope their is a viable 3rd party candidate. It stinks on both sides as of right now.

That will never happen. The Wall Street and corporate interests put too much money into the two major parties for anyone else to afford to challenge them.


EOG Dedicated
Re: The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

That will never happen. The Wall Street and corporate interests put too much money into the two major parties for anyone else to afford to challenge them.
Plus they always have a plan to keep them divided too.Funny that they always have something on the ballot that brings both sides out in force.
Re: The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

JoeyC has already publicly forecast that Sarah TQ will run for and receive the 2012 Republican nomination for POTUS.

The Seer

EOG Dedicated
Re: The first stake was driven into Obama's heart tonight -- There will be 2 more

Interesting quotes like this here

government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government."

-- James Madison

"?I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.? -Thomas Jefferson

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." -Vladimir Lenin

"It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt, when they degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising the sovereignty. Usurpation is then an easy attainment, and an usurper soon found. The people themselves become the willing instruments of their own debasement and ruin." -James Monroe

and my favorite author who knew knew this around 1853;

"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money...Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.?? - Alexis de Tocqueville