

EOG Veteran
House GOP breaking promises after only one day?
Posted: 04:00 PM ET
FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty:
That didn't take very long, did it? Republicans have officially been in control of the House of Representatives for a day now, and they're already backpedaling on some of the promises of transparency they made during the campaign.
Members of the 112th Congress are sworn into office on January 5, 2011 in Washington, DC.

For starters, Republicans promised all bills would go through a regular committee process. Not exactly.
Wouldn't you know that the bill to repeal the health care law won't go through a single committee?
Republicans say it's because the committees haven't been fully formed yet and they want to move quickly. They also insist the repeal bill will be "a very straightforward document," whatever that means.
When Democrats were in charge, Republicans complained they didn't allow unlimited amendments and debate on a single bill. So they promised a more open amendment process for bills. Not exactly. With the bill to repeal health care reform, there will be practically no amendments.
You have to give the Republicans credit. It's not easy to break this many promises in a single day. House Republicans said they wanted to publish committee attendance lists - you know, so the people who elect them could see who was actually showing up for work.
That one never had a chance. They claim it wouldn't work since multiple committee hearings can happen at the same time.
Lastly, the Republicans had said they would include a constitutional justification with every bill. Not happening either.
All this comes after we learned that the estimate for how much the GOP would shave off the budget is now about half what it was in their "Pledge with America." So apparently that was a lie, too.
The more things change in Washington, the more they stay the same!
Re: already?

You call this "breaking promises"? :blink:

No "amendments" necessary to repeal a turd this putrid. Just kill the whole damn thing!


EOG Dedicated
Re: already?

Spoken like someone who cares about liberty and the Constitution.

Obamacare is unconstitutional, period. "Amendments" are only for legitimate laws.

Jack Cafferty is an empty-headed 'progressive' parrot.
:LMAOYet when the unions use freedom of speech and the right to assemble you say it is unconstitutional.Yep a true Fascist would only think this way.Well done!!