Re: "Fezzik the Fraud's" Sunday plays.....
Time to start shitting on Alf now?
Sure, I'll gladly "shit on" any fraud selling his advice claiming to be some sort of expert. The most ridiculous example, a couple weeks ago he gave out Tampa Bay +9 claiming they were the "ultimate backdoor team" and mentioned how the Giants secondary would have trouble stopping them, that TB's QB was better than Eli Manning, etc. The problem was that TB wasn't playing NYG, they were playing Baltimore! When his error was pointed out, he revised the writeup to explain why TB was actually a good pick vs Baltimore. Nevermind that TB hadn't had a backdoor cover all year; every game they'd either won outright or got blown out.
He also badly inflates his record through the use of stale lines. When I was paying attention to his picks (mostly CBB, a little NBA), it was pretty common that he'd post plays in the middle of the night after they'd moved everywhere, for ex. he'd post some CBB team +6.5 when Pinnacle had +6.5 -118, Greek had +6, Cris had +6, and just about everywhere else with overnight CBB had +6. Or he'd simply post hours after every book had moved their line, claiming the old line. In the couple of months I was paying attention to his picks, I specifically noticed 2 CBB games out of maybe 40 total where the bogus half point turned a loss into a push or a push into a win. Getting an undeserved win 5% of the time turns a coin flipper into a 55% handicapper.
And he's still up to his old tricks, PC posted an example to RTP a couple weeks ago in some Bears game, I think @ the Lions, where Alf claimed -3 -120 when all of the major books had -3 -135 or worse for the last several hours before his post (so it's not like the line had just moved minutes before and the line moved while he was writing his post), and there were a few other cases posted where he posted lines that hadn't been available for days. Alf worked for Vegas Insider for years who also practice similar grade inflation, which I discussed at length of the old LVA board when I was researching James Manos's record, so a Vegas Insider "documented record" is garbage. But Anthony Curtis has no problem advertising "Alf Musketa's record" on LVA's site, using the Vegas Insider garbage record. Yet Anthony claims record keeping is a "waste of time." Go figure. I guess record keeping is a "waste of time" when people want to know exactly how they'll do while following a tout's plays vs widely available numbers, not against fairy tale lines that haven't existed for hours, if not days.