To register the Opera browser and remove the ad bar, follow these steps
view the flash demo.
Copy the appropriate registration code given below
Go to Help > Register Opera
Enter your name and organization
Paste the registration code and press OK
Operating System Registration Code
Windows w-Yp6uN-wxjVE-VniUK-uLFhU-NBAxr
Linux Intel u-B3yuM-Td4UD-T7YTJ-a4VhV-tMcxp
Linux PowerPC p-dpBDN-3KjME-KpLKK-TET6T-fxNmr
Linux Sparc k-dVSNN-3weBC-C6SfL-HQyUT-YAMbn
FreeBSD f-BMVWM-HpJ7D-X5b6J-jYvLU-FuiFp
Solaris s-dVSNN-3weBC-C6SfL-HQyUT-YAMbn
Mac m-imLNN-jRPAC-5A3fL-myVUT-teccn
view the flash demo.
Copy the appropriate registration code given below
Go to Help > Register Opera
Enter your name and organization
Paste the registration code and press OK
Operating System Registration Code
Windows w-Yp6uN-wxjVE-VniUK-uLFhU-NBAxr
Linux Intel u-B3yuM-Td4UD-T7YTJ-a4VhV-tMcxp
Linux PowerPC p-dpBDN-3KjME-KpLKK-TET6T-fxNmr
Linux Sparc k-dVSNN-3weBC-C6SfL-HQyUT-YAMbn
FreeBSD f-BMVWM-HpJ7D-X5b6J-jYvLU-FuiFp
Solaris s-dVSNN-3weBC-C6SfL-HQyUT-YAMbn
Mac m-imLNN-jRPAC-5A3fL-myVUT-teccn