Hope is on the way


EOG Member
I'm very sad to see such a great man being destroyed by hateful opponents. John Edwards gave us all hope that the two America's could be brought together as one. Everytime I saw him on TV I would get a warm feeling because you could tell that he was a good and honest man. We democrates could feel his auro and wanted him to be our leader. Then he lost to another brilliant man, John Kerry and we were okay with both of these great leaders leading us. Because if you remember, it could not get any worse than Bush. Now we have Obama for another 4 years and with any luck Edwards can beat these charges of swindling the 101 year old lady and he can run for president in 4 years.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Hope is on the way

he can run for president in 4 years.
He will be very popular in prison!I bet the boys will love his pretty mouth and he would win any election they held there.Here is to John winning Queen of cell block B!!


EOG Member
Re: Hope is on the way

I sure hope my hero John is not sent to prison. What will happen to the cause? We will still have 2 America's and we may never recover. He always seemed like such an honest man to me. How could this have happened?


EOG Member
Re: Hope is on the way

I'm so happy John is not going to prison. He was proven innocent like we all knew he would be. This is a good honest man and the right wing wants to hurt him for no reason. Maybe now he can run for president in 2016 and we can all come together as one America.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Hope is on the way

Uh, Berk, buddy

I hate to break it you pal, but good ole marxist, John, aint gonna be President in 2016, or 2056:LMAO


EOG Dedicated
Re: Hope is on the way

Edwards Mistiral! It was a hung jury! Must have been a lot of black guys on it. Am I racist for making a comment that's flattering?


EOG Member
Re: Hope is on the way

nothing racist about that comment. I too always had a good warm feeling when Edwards was speaking. He just comes across as a guy you can trust. I hope he can be President some day!