How Unions or Their Allies Could be Stealing November?s Election Right Now

How Unions or Their Allies Could be Stealing November?s Election Right Now

by LaborUnionReport

Here is a prediction: Across the country, there will be races that some candidates will lose even though poll numbers, right now, indicate otherwise.

As you read this, at present, you should know that there are only seemingly disconnected anecdotal dots that are starting to connect.

However, if the dots do fully connect, we may not know until well after the November 2nd election if, in fact, America?s democratic election process will have become the victim of the biggest fraud in our nation?s history. What?s worse, with early voting beginning this week in many states, it may already be too late to do anything about it.

In order to break this down, here are the disconnected dots that are detailed below:

  • First Dot: The SOS Project
  • Second Dot: The SEIU?s Shenanigans
  • Third Dot: 11 Million Illegal Immigrants
  • Fourth Dot: The Fake ID Industry & Meg Whitman
  • Fifth Dot: Voter Registration
  • Sixth Dot: Union GOTV Strategies
  • Seventh Dot: Early Voting
  • Connecting the Dots
First Dot: The SOS Project

In 2005, shortly after George Bush won re-election, angry billionaire George Soros, along with the SEIU and others, founded the Secretary of State Project (or SOS) ?to provide an easy-to-use, low-cost vehicle for online donations to reform-minded Secretary of State candidates and incumbents in key battleground states.?

As Conservative Outlooks writer Carol Greenberg points out:
The Secretary of State is the chief elections official in each state, so he/she is responsible for the conduct of elections and establishment of election day rules. A position and role mostly unknown by the majority of citizens in this country before the 2000 election.

Someone of great wealth recognized the power of the Secretaries of State. The power to ultimately decide, perhaps by manipulating and interpreting state election law partisanly, to place their chosen candidate into office.
In the last five years of its existence, the SOS Project has been successful in getting nine out of 11 ?progressive? secretaries of state elected. This includes Minnesota?s Mark Ritchie who oversaw the 2008-09 ballot recount* between Democrat Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman. [Here are the races Soros' SOS Project is active in for November.]

* In July 2010, an 18-month study by Minnesota Majority determined that at least 341 convicted felons in largely Democratic Minneapolis-St. Paul voted illegally. Franken beat Coleman by 312 votes. Claims that Franken, Soros and Ritchie stole the election have been ignored.

Second Dot: The SEIU?s Shenanigans

Over the past few months, as Democrats and their union bosses have seen their mid-term election prospects dim significantly, there have been separate incidents involving what appears to be a manipulation of the electoral system occurring all over the country that all have one common denominator?they involve persons connected to the SEIU.

Third Dot: Nearly 11 Million Illegal Immigrants.

According the most recent data published by the Department of Homeland Security (assuming it can be believed), there were an estimated 10.8 million illegal immigrants in the United States, as of 2009.

It is widely known that Big Labor bosses (most notably the SEIU, but most others as well) are fighting to get ?immigration reform? legislation passed so that 1) they can unionize many of these workers and 2) they can turn them into ?progressive voters.?

Fourth Dot: The Fake ID Industry & Meg Whitman

In the past few years, there have been some high profile ICE raids on companies that have allegedly hired illegal immigrants. In the vast majority of these cases, although the workers were in the country illegally, they were hired by companies who were following the Catch-22 system that is the law. Here?s how:

All U.S. employers must complete and retain a Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. This includes citizens and noncitizens. On the form, the employer must examine the employment eligibility and identity document(s) an employee presents to determine whether the document(s) reasonably appear to be genuine and relate to the individual and record the document information on the Form I-9. The list of acceptable documents can be found on the last page of the form. [Download the form (in PDF) here.]
[On page five of the I-9 form are the types of ID that are acceptable for employment. The most common forms used are social security cards and driver's licenses.]

  • The Fake ID Industry. Both inside and outside the U.S. are underground businesses that supply false identifications to people, mostly illegal immigrants. In fact, a quick search of the internet reveals a number of websites (several outside the U.S.) where people can order fake IDs. There is even one website that provides a review of other fake ID websites. With enough money, anyone can have more fake IDs than Jason Bourne. With fake ID in hand, any illegal immigrant is automatically employable in the United States, as California?s gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman has discovered.

  • Catch-22 & the Fake Whitman Controversy. Over the past week, the ginned-up controversy surrounding California?s Meg Whitman?s hiring of an illegal made immigrant has been used as campaign fodder by Democrats and unions (including a $5 million SEIU ad buy on Spanish TV) attempting to tarnish Whitman. However, one extremely important point that is getting brushed aside is the fact that Whitman?s $23 per hour housekeeper had used her fake ID to acquire her job. Further, as noted (at 1:20) in Fox?s Meghan Kelly?s interview of Gloria Alred (the housekeeper?s attorney), Whitman herself could have been charged with discriminating against Diaz if she questioned the validity of Diaz?s fake documents.
According to the same San Francisco article Meghan Kelly quoted from [emphasis added]:
?There is no additional legal obligation for an employer to follow up or respond to SSA with new information,? said Gening Liao, a labor and employment attorney at the National Immigration Law Center in Los Angeles, which defends immigrants.

Liao added that it is ?very important that the employer does not take adverse action against the employee? merely based on a letter from Social Security.

Nor was Diaz under any obligation to pursue the matter, Liao said. Correcting a mismatch is ?primarily for the benefit of the employee,? she said, to make sure they can collect all the benefits due them for their work.

The attorney for Diaz Santillan has not said whether the Whitmans? former housekeeper received a mismatch notice. Social Security?s notice to employees says the letter ?does not, in and of itself, allow your employer to change your job, lay you off, fire you or take other action against you.?

Had Whitman questioned Diaz?s legal status after Diaz presented documents when she was hired, Whitman again would have exposed herself to discrimination violations.

?Not only is (accepting the documents) all the law required her to do, but there?s a counterbalancing anti-discrimination law that keeps her from probing further or demanding different documents,? said Crystal Williams, executive director of the American Immigration Lawyers Association in Washington.
Fifth Dot: Voter Registration

As we saw in 2008 with ACORN, registering to vote in most states is extraordinarily easy. So easy, in fact, that if someone who wasn?t in this country legally, but had a fake ID and wanted to register to vote, they could do so without difficulty in nearly every state. In most states, all one needs is a photo ID. In some states, if persons wanted to vote on election day, but didn?t have ID, all they would need is someone to vouch for them at the polls.

In a very informal sample survey done in the last 24 hours of people in different states across the country who were asked to call their nearest registrar?s office to ask what is needed in the form of ID, the results were rather frightening. Here are just a few:

From Ohio:
According to ?Lynn? at the County Board of Elections you need one of the following to vote:

Valid Oh driver?s license, OH ID card, military ID card, govt. ID card, bank statement, government check or utility bill. In other words, no picture ID required.​
From North Carolina:
I asked what was necessary (what type of ID) to register to vote. I didn?t specifically ask if they ?verify? ID. Here is what I was told. You need a form of ID with your address on it. It can be a driver?s license or utility bill. I asked if a photo ID was required and was told it was preferred, but she didn?t think it was required.​
From Illinois:
In Illinois, voter registrars are SUPPOSED to request 2 pieces of identification from the potential voter including at least 1 with their address. There is no check for citizenship other than asking the voter if they are a citizen. That leaves the onus upon the person doing the registration. Since most labor unions can automatically acquire registrar status, this doesn?t help much.​
From Pennsylvania:
Have a stack of PA mail-in voter registration forms in front of me ? no ID verification, notarization, anything, except for the usual warnings about penalty of perjury, etc.​

Also, the county elections office handed 100 or so of them to me, like they were candy.
From Minnesota:
MN Driver?s license or learners permit​
Tribal ID. Or better yet, an employee of a statutorially defined ?residential facility? (such as a nursing home, battered women?s shelter, etc) can vouch for an unlimited number of residents. Gory details here: Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State : Residential Facility Voting

And you?re just gonna love this one: Voter Voucher: Voucher by another voter of the same precinct ? may vouch for a limit of 15 voters ? oath of a pre-registered voter in the same precinct or of a voter who registers in the same precinct on election day with one of the other authorized proofs of residence. A voter who is vouched for cannot vouch for another voter.

Yep, you read that right. In the state of MN, I can walk into the polling place on Election Day, register to vote, bring along 15 of my friends and as long as I ?vouch? for them being legal residents, they are allowed to vote.
From Wisconsin:
Voters register at the Secretary of State?s Office or City Clerk which is where they provide documentation that they are able to vote. They are then put in the Poll Books. When someone comes in to vote, they must show a Photo I.D. If they do not have a photo I.D. (driver?s license; State I.D. Card), they must sign an affidavit that they do not have a photo I.D. and are then allowed to vote.

From California:
I just took the GOP poll watcher course. No ID is required in CA to register to vote. No ID is required in CA when you appear at the polls to vote (I tested this myself last time in the primary) I did not offer an ID and none was requested of me before I got my ballot. No ID required indeed.

Every political office (like campaigns) in CA has hundreds of voter registration forms about. Fill one out and mail it in and you are good to go.
Just by the responses from the above informal sampling, it would appear that, in most cases, if someone has a photo ID?real or not?almost anyone can register to vote.

Sixth Dot: Union GOTV Strategies

Over the last year, unions have been planning their election strategy to create ?firewall? states by spending hundreds of millions to turn voters out in November. In addition to the unions, the DNC?s Organizing for America has been conducting voter registration drives for the last few months.

In August, the SEIU and California Teachers Association announced a voter registration drive that raised little attention when it was announced, but requires a closer look [emphasis added]:​
The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) California, the California Teachers Association (CTA) and Latino leaders announced a major statewide marketing campaign, ?Por Nuestras Familias ? Todos a Votar!,? aiming to register thousands of new Latino voters and boost November?s Latino election turnout by signing up Latinos as new, permanent absentee (PAV) voters.

At a news conference in Los Angeles? historic Placita Olvera last week, Eliseo Medina, International Executive Vice President of SEIU and David Sanchez, President of the California Teachers Association announced that they will embark on the 9- city ?Por Nuestras Familias ? Todos a Votar!? bus tour beginning August 14, with the goal of reinvigorating Latino voter participation and empowering those who do not regularly cast their ballot on election day. The campaign will provide non-registered Latino voters the tools they need to vote and generate motivation among all Latino constituents through a permanent absentee application drive.
Seventh Dot: Early Voting & Election Day

This week, in many states across the U.S. early voting begins. This means that ballots may be being sent in from persons who have no legal right to vote, but who are voting anyway. [For the early voting dates for each state, go to the Concord Project's state pages and select a state.]

A couple of days ago, we received an anonymous tip from someone who had visited an SEIU office in Arizona and discovered that the union had allegedly registered more than 20,000 voters and was planning ?early voting rallies.?

In fact, according to the SEIU-backed group One Arizona?s FaceBook page, their first ?early voting rally? is on October 7th, the first day early voting begins.

Then, on October 16th, the group has planned a big ?early voting rally? called ?AYER MARCHAMOS ? AHORA VOTAMOS! (or YESTERDAY WE MARCHED ? TODAY WE VOTE!)

The group?s object in holding this rally is apparently to have pro-immigration reform Latinos bring their ballots to mark them ?together.?

The tactic itself is an old union tactic when mail-in ballots are conducted during union organizing campaigns and the purpose is very simple: To get the voters to vote the right way by doing it together. In this case, however, there appears to be more than meets the eye, especially if some of the attendees are in the U.S. unlawfully, but are still encouraged to vote.

It wouldn?t be the first time, as this video shows.

Connecting the Dots:

As stated at the beginning of this post, there are seemingly disconnected dots that, when put together, leads one to believe that there could be something untoward occurring right now. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done other than for average Americans to work harder to get more people to the polls on November 2nd. And, if any fraud is discovered, with George Soros? secretaries of state in office, in certain states, it is questionable whether anything will come of it.

As a result, if Americans don?t get more people to the polls, it is suspected that candidates will lose races where, right now, the poll numbers appear to have them leading.

As we?ve been saying for months, November?s election outcome will be dependent on voter turnout. The unions and their allies have had their plans in place for months. There is less than a month to go.

?I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.? Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776


EOG Dedicated
Re: How Unions or Their Allies Could be Stealing November?s Election Right Now



EOG Dedicated
Re: How Unions or Their Allies Could be Stealing November?s Election Right Now


In 2005, shortly after George Bush won re-election, angry billionaire George Soros, along with the SEIU and others, founded the Secretary of State Project (or SOS) ”to provide an easy-to-use, low-cost vehicle for online donations to reform-minded Secretary of State candidates and incumbents in key battleground states.”
:LMAOThe SOS project was started by the States dipshit!!It is so you can get your sticker online using a credit card and do not have to stand in line at the DMV.It is called progress and makes it simple so to say otherwise just shows how stupid Brietbarth is!!Has nothing to do with elections and just shows how dumb someone would have to be to believe this nonsense!

As Conservative Outlooks writer Carol Greenberg points out:
In the last five years of its existence, the SOS Project has been successful in getting nine out of 11 “progressive” secretaries of state elected. This includes Minnesota’s Mark Ritchie who oversaw the 2008-09 ballot recount* between Democrat Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman. [Here are the races Soros' SOS Project is active in for November.]
Again it has nothing to do with elections!!:houra
* In July 2010, an 18-month study by Minnesota Majority determined that at least 341 convicted felons in largely Democratic Minneapolis-St. Paul voted illegally. Franken beat Coleman by 312 votes. Claims that Franken, Soros and Ritchie stole the election have been ignored.
Just more whining and crying
Second Dot: The SEIU’s Shenanigans

Over the past few months, as Democrats and their union bosses have seen their mid-term election prospects dim significantly, there have been separate incidents involving what appears to be a manipulation of the electoral system occurring all over the country that all have one common denominator—they involve persons connected to the SEIU.
And let me proof just more lies right?

  • In Milwaukee, a SEIU lobbyist was recently caught on tape allegedly stating that the union and Democrat officials were planning an attack on the Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker and that the local media would be “willing partners.”
    Sure, sure.This never happens from the other side right?:LMAO
  • In Washington state, an employee of the SEIU was arrested for submitting allegedly forged signatures for the SEIU’s “tax the rich” ballot initiative (I-1098).
    He should be charged .Next time learn about how the other side does it.
  • In Houston, an investigation revealed that 23,207 of the 25,000 voter registrations submitted by a voter registration group headed by a SEIU employee were invalid. Three days after Harris County Registrar issued a press release stating that the integrity of Harris County, TX voter rolls appeared to be under an “organized and systematic attack” a mysterious fire broke out in the building where Harris County’s voting machines were held, destroying nearly all of them. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

    Yes and of course no proof again just here say!!We believe ya Brietbarth since you are a credible man.:LMAO

Third Dot: Nearly 11 Million Illegal Immigrants.

According the most recent data published by the Department of Homeland Security (assuming it can be believed), there were an estimated 10.8 million illegal immigrants in the United States, as of 2009.

It is widely known that Big Labor bosses (most notably the SEIU, but most others as well) are fighting to get “immigration reform” legislation passed so that 1) they can unionize many of these workers and 2) they can turn them into “progressive voters.”

They already have with a lot of them and that is why I do not like the SEIU!!It is about improving working conditions and wages not lowering them like they have.

Fourth Dot: The Fake ID Industry & Meg Whitman

In the past few years, there have been some high profile ICE raids on companies that have allegedly hired illegal immigrants. In the vast majority of these cases, although the workers were in the country illegally, they were hired by companies who were following the Catch-22 system that is the law. Here’s how:

All U.S. employers must complete and retain a Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. This includes citizens and noncitizens. On the form, the employer must examine the employment eligibility and identity document(s) an employee presents to determine whether the document(s) reasonably appear to be genuine and relate to the individual and record the document information on the Form I-9. The list of acceptable documents can be found on the last page of the form. [Download the form (in PDF) here.]
[On page five of the I-9 form are the types of ID that are acceptable for employment. The most common forms used are social security cards and driver's licenses.]
Well if they know about them let's shut them down right??Why are they not doing this Andrew??:LMAO

  • The Fake ID Industry. Both inside and outside the U.S. are underground businesses that supply false identifications to people, mostly illegal immigrants. In fact, a quick search of the internet reveals a number of websites (several outside the U.S.) where people can order fake IDs. There is even one website that provides a review of other fake ID websites. With enough money, anyone can have more fake IDs than Jason Bourne. With fake ID in hand, any illegal immigrant is automatically employable in the United States, as California’s gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman has discovered.

Again why are they not shutting down these sites Andrew??:LMAOThe corporations and rich would love to see cheap labor gone right?:houra

  • Catch-22 & the Fake Whitman Controversy. Over the past week, the ginned-up controversy surrounding California’s Meg Whitman’s hiring of an illegal made immigrant has been used as campaign fodder by Democrats and unions (including a $5 million SEIU ad buy on Spanish TV) attempting to tarnish Whitman. However, one extremely important point that is getting brushed aside is the fact that Whitman’s $23 per hour housekeeper had used her fake ID to acquire her job. Further, as noted (at 1:20) in Fox’s Meghan Kelly’s interview of Gloria Alred (the housekeeper’s attorney), Whitman herself could have been charged with discriminating against Diaz if she questioned the validity of Diaz’s fake documents.
    Yes always blame the victim right Andrew?Personal responsibility dumbass!!Your blame game only encourages the sheep with your stupidity like Joe the rapist promoter.

According to the same San Francisco article Meghan Kelly quoted from [emphasis added]:
Fifth Dot: Voter Registration
Ah yes no personal responsibility from Meg convenient and by all means keep blaming the victim.

As we saw in 2008 with ACORN, registering to vote in most states is extraordinarily easy. So easy, in fact, that if someone who wasn’t in this country legally, but had a fake ID and wanted to register to vote, they could do so without difficulty in nearly every state. In most states, all one needs is a photo ID. In some states, if persons wanted to vote on election day, but didn’t have ID, all they would need is someone to vouch for them at the polls.
This should be easy to prove then right Andrew.We know how credible you are on the ACORN thing.:LMAOShow the proof instead of here say and lies.

In a very informal sample survey done in the last 24 hours of people in different states across the country who were asked to call their nearest registrar’s office to ask what is needed in the form of ID, the results were rather frightening. Here are just a few:

From Ohio:
According to “Lynn” at the County Board of Elections you need one of the following to vote:

Valid Oh driver’s license, OH ID card, military ID card, govt. ID card, bank statement, government check or utility bill. In other words, no picture ID required.​
From North Carolina:
I asked what was necessary (what type of ID) to register to vote. I didn’t specifically ask if they “verify” ID. Here is what I was told. You need a form of ID with your address on it. It can be a driver’s license or utility bill. I asked if a photo ID was required and was told it was preferred, but she didn’t think it was required.​
From Illinois:
In Illinois, voter registrars are SUPPOSED to request 2 pieces of identification from the potential voter including at least 1 with their address. There is no check for citizenship other than asking the voter if they are a citizen. That leaves the onus upon the person doing the registration. Since most labor unions can automatically acquire registrar status, this doesn’t help much.​
From Pennsylvania:
Have a stack of PA mail-in voter registration forms in front of me – no ID verification, notarization, anything, except for the usual warnings about penalty of perjury, etc.​

Also, the county elections office handed 100 or so of them to me, like they were candy.
From Minnesota:
MN Driver’s license or learners permit​
Tribal ID. Or better yet, an employee of a statutorially defined ‘residential facility’ (such as a nursing home, battered women’s shelter, etc) can vouch for an unlimited number of residents. Gory details here: Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State : Residential Facility Voting

And you’re just gonna love this one: Voter Voucher: Voucher by another voter of the same precinct — may vouch for a limit of 15 votersoath of a pre-registered voter in the same precinct or of a voter who registers in the same precinct on election day with one of the other authorized proofs of residence. A voter who is vouched for cannot vouch for another voter.
But explain what happens 6 months before the election for verification dumbass!!:LMAODo sheep really believe anything this dumbass tell's them??:LMAO

Yep, you read that right. In the state of MN, I can walk into the polling place on Election Day, register to vote, bring along 15 of my friends and as long as I ‘vouch’ for them being legal residents, they are allowed to vote.
From Wisconsin:
Voters register at the Secretary of State’s Office or City Clerk which is where they provide documentation that they are able to vote. They are then put in the Poll Books. When someone comes in to vote, they must show a Photo I.D. If they do not have a photo I.D. (driver’s license; State I.D. Card), they must sign an affidavit that they do not have a photo I.D. and are then allowed to vote.
How many times did this happen in the last election or ever for that matter?:LMAOWhat a bunch of dumbasses!!

From California:
I just took the GOP poll watcher course. No ID is required in CA to register to vote. No ID is required in CA when you appear at the polls to vote (I tested this myself last time in the primary) I did not offer an ID and none was requested of me before I got my ballot. No ID required indeed.
Then you should be arrested for fraud !!Thanks for busting yourself again and exposing what kind of lying fraud you are.
Every political office (like campaigns) in CA has hundreds of voter registration forms about. Fill one out and mail it in and you are good to go.
Just by the responses from the above informal sampling, it would appear that, in most cases, if someone has a photo ID—real or not—almost anyone can register to vote.

Sixth Dot: Union GOTV Strategies

Over the last year, unions have been planning their election strategy to create “firewall” states by spending hundreds of millions to turn voters out in November. In addition to the unions, the DNC’s Organizing for America has been conducting voter registration drives for the last few months.
And what laws are they breaking again??I am sure the GOP does not do this at all right??:LMAO
In August, the SEIU and California Teachers Association announced a voter registration drive that raised little attention when it was announced, but requires a closer look [emphasis added]:​
Seventh Dot: Early Voting & Election Day

Ah yes more fear and lies!!Hey let's get out and vote to save the country from brownie right Andrew??

This week, in many states across the U.S. early voting begins. This means that ballots may be being sent in from persons who have no legal right to vote, but who are voting anyway. [For the early voting dates for each state, go to the Concord Project's state pages and select a state.]
If this is all true like you say Andy then it should be real easy to stop right?I mean come on man you have all the proof right here don't ya??:LMAONo one will question you about honesty right??:LMAO

A couple of days ago, we received an anonymous tip from someone who had visited an SEIU office in Arizona and discovered that the union had allegedly registered more than 20,000 voters and was planning ‘early voting rallies.’
:LMAO:LMAOAh the old anonymous tip!!:LMAOYou should have plenty of proof then so let's get to the bottom of this right.:houra

In fact, according to the SEIU-backed group One Arizona’s FaceBook page, their first “early voting rally” is on October 7th, the first day early voting begins.
It all adds up so let's go and get em!!:LMAO

Then, on October 16th, the group has planned a big ‘early voting rally‘ called ?AYER MARCHAMOS – AHORA VOTAMOS! (or YESTERDAY WE MARCHED – TODAY WE VOTE!)

The group’s object in holding this rally is apparently to have pro-immigration reform Latinos bring their ballots to mark them ‘together.’
Wow this really sounds scary.I'm hiding under the covers now!!

The tactic itself is an old union tactic when mail-in ballots are conducted during union organizing campaigns and the purpose is very simple: To get the voters to vote the right way by doing it together. In this case, however, there appears to be more than meets the eye, especially if some of the attendees are in the U.S. unlawfully, but are still encouraged to vote.
Of course it is.If they do not vote the way you want them to it is all illegal and hey, maybe we can scare some of them and they will stay home and not vote against your candidate right?Win, win.

It wouldn’t be the first time, as this video shows.

Connecting the Dots:

As stated at the beginning of this post, there are seemingly disconnected dots that, when put together, leads one to believe that there could be something untoward occurring right now. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done other than for average Americans to work harder to get more people to the polls on November 2nd. And, if any fraud is discovered, with George Soros’ secretaries of state in office, in certain states, it is questionable whether anything will come of it.
Sounds like you are running scared Andy.What is wrong??So if your guy does not win it is cheating!Gotcha !!What a whining crying idiot!!

As a result, if Americans don’t get more people to the polls, it is suspected that candidates will lose races where, right now, the poll numbers appear to have them leading.
Just come out with another lying scare story like this one.At least at the end you are finally admitting your true intention which is to get out the vote for your side by scaring the sheep!!Job well done!!

As we’ve been saying for months, November’s election outcome will be dependent on voter turnout. The unions and their allies have had their plans in place for months. There is less than a month to go.
Keep scaring the sheep Andy and don't worry since Freedom Works, Fox News and the Chamber of Commerce and spending 5 times more money then the unions are but hey...keep the sheep scared!!

“I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.” Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776



EOG Dedicated
Re: How Unions or Their Allies Could be Stealing November?s Election Right Now


In 2005, shortly after George Bush won re-election, angry billionaire George Soros, along with the SEIU and others, founded the Secretary of State Project (or SOS) ?to provide an easy-to-use, low-cost vehicle for online donations to reform-minded Secretary of State candidates and incumbents in key battleground states.?
:LMAOThe SOS project was started by the States dipshit!!It is so you can get your sticker online using a credit card and do not have to stand in line at the DMV.It is called progress and makes it simple so to say otherwise just shows how stupid Brietbarth is!!Has nothing to do with elections and just shows how dumb someone would have to be to believe this nonsense!

As Conservative Outlooks writer Carol Greenberg points out:In the last five years of its existence, the SOS Project has been successful in getting nine out of 11 ?progressive? secretaries of state elected. This includes Minnesota?s Mark Ritchie who oversaw the 2008-09 ballot recount* between Democrat Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman. [Here are the races Soros' SOS Project is active in for November.]
Again it has nothing to do with elections!!:houra
* In July 2010, an 18-month study by Minnesota Majority determined that at least 341 convicted felons in largely Democratic Minneapolis-St. Paul voted illegally. Franken beat Coleman by 312 votes. Claims that Franken, Soros and Ritchie stole the election have been ignored.
Just more whining and crying
Second Dot: The SEIU?s Shenanigans

Over the past few months, as Democrats and their union bosses have seen their mid-term election prospects dim significantly, there have been separate incidents involving what appears to be a manipulation of the electoral system occurring all over the country that all have one common denominator?they involve persons connected to the SEIU.
And let me proof just more lies right?

  • In Milwaukee, a SEIU lobbyist was recently caught on tape allegedly stating that the union and Democrat officials were planning an attack on the Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker and that the local media would be ?willing partners.?
    Sure, sure.This never happens from the other side right?:LMAO
  • In Washington state, an employee of the SEIU was arrested for submitting allegedly forged signatures for the SEIU?s ?tax the rich? ballot initiative (I-1098).
    He should be charged .Next time learn about how the other side does it.
  • In Houston, an investigation revealed that 23,207 of the 25,000 voter registrations submitted by a voter registration group headed by a SEIU employee were invalid. Three days after Harris County Registrar issued a press release stating that the integrity of Harris County, TX voter rolls appeared to be under an ?organized and systematic attack? a mysterious fire broke out in the building where Harris County?s voting machines were held, destroying nearly all of them. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

    Yes and of course no proof again just here say!!We believe ya Brietbarth since you are a credible man.:LMAO

Third Dot: Nearly 11 Million Illegal Immigrants.

According the most recent data published by the Department of Homeland Security (assuming it can be believed), there were an estimated 10.8 million illegal immigrants in the United States, as of 2009.

It is widely known that Big Labor bosses (most notably the SEIU, but most others as well) are fighting to get ?immigration reform? legislation passed so that 1) they can unionize many of these workers and 2) they can turn them into ?progressive voters.?

They already have with a lot of them and that is why I do not like the SEIU!!It is about improving working conditions and wages not lowering them like they have.

Fourth Dot: The Fake ID Industry & Meg Whitman

In the past few years, there have been some high profile ICE raids on companies that have allegedly hired illegal immigrants. In the vast majority of these cases, although the workers were in the country illegally, they were hired by companies who were following the Catch-22 system that is the law. Here?s how:

All U.S. employers must complete and retain a Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. This includes citizens and noncitizens. On the form, the employer must examine the employment eligibility and identity document(s) an employee presents to determine whether the document(s) reasonably appear to be genuine and relate to the individual and record the document information on the Form I-9. The list of acceptable documents can be found on the last page of the form. [Download the form (in PDF) here.]
[On page five of the I-9 form are the types of ID that are acceptable for employment. The most common forms used are social security cards and driver's licenses.]
Well if they know about them let's shut them down right??Why are they not doing this Andrew??:LMAO

  • The Fake ID Industry. Both inside and outside the U.S. are underground businesses that supply false identifications to people, mostly illegal immigrants. In fact, a quick search of the internet reveals a number of websites (several outside the U.S.) where people can order fake IDs. There is even one website that provides a review of other fake ID websites. With enough money, anyone can have more fake IDs than Jason Bourne. With fake ID in hand, any illegal immigrant is automatically employable in the United States, as California?s gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman has discovered.

Again why are they not shutting down these sites Andrew??:LMAOThe corporations and rich would love to see cheap labor gone right?:houra

  • Catch-22 & the Fake Whitman Controversy. Over the past week, the ginned-up controversy surrounding California?s Meg Whitman?s hiring of an illegal made immigrant has been used as campaign fodder by Democrats and unions (including a $5 million SEIU ad buy on Spanish TV) attempting to tarnish Whitman. However, one extremely important point that is getting brushed aside is the fact that Whitman?s $23 per hour housekeeper had used her fake ID to acquire her job. Further, as noted (at 1:20) in Fox?s Meghan Kelly?s interview of Gloria Alred (the housekeeper?s attorney), Whitman herself could have been charged with discriminating against Diaz if she questioned the validity of Diaz?s fake documents.
    Yes always blame the victim right Andrew?Personal responsibility dumbass!!Your blame game only encourages the sheep with your stupidity like Joe the rapist promoter.

According to the same San Francisco article Meghan Kelly quoted from [emphasis added]:
Fifth Dot: Voter Registration
Ah yes no personal responsibility from Meg convenient and by all means keep blaming the victim.

As we saw in 2008 with ACORN, registering to vote in most states is extraordinarily easy. So easy, in fact, that if someone who wasn?t in this country legally, but had a fake ID and wanted to register to vote, they could do so without difficulty in nearly every state. In most states, all one needs is a photo ID. In some states, if persons wanted to vote on election day, but didn?t have ID, all they would need is someone to vouch for them at the polls.
This should be easy to prove then right Andrew.We know how credible you are on the ACORN thing.:LMAOShow the proof instead of here say and lies.

In a very informal sample survey done in the last 24 hours of people in different states across the country who were asked to call their nearest registrar?s office to ask what is needed in the form of ID, the results were rather frightening. Here are just a few:

From Ohio:
According to ?Lynn? at the County Board of Elections you need one of the following to vote:

Valid Oh driver?s license, OH ID card, military ID card, govt. ID card, bank statement, government check or utility bill. In other words, no picture ID required.​
From North Carolina:
I asked what was necessary (what type of ID) to register to vote. I didn?t specifically ask if they ?verify? ID. Here is what I was told. You need a form of ID with your address on it. It can be a driver?s license or utility bill. I asked if a photo ID was required and was told it was preferred, but she didn?t think it was required.​
From Illinois:
In Illinois, voter registrars are SUPPOSED to request 2 pieces of identification from the potential voter including at least 1 with their address. There is no check for citizenship other than asking the voter if they are a citizen. That leaves the onus upon the person doing the registration. Since most labor unions can automatically acquire registrar status, this doesn?t help much.​
From Pennsylvania:
Have a stack of PA mail-in voter registration forms in front of me ? no ID verification, notarization, anything, except for the usual warnings about penalty of perjury, etc.​

Also, the county elections office handed 100 or so of them to me, like they were candy.
From Minnesota:
MN Driver?s license or learners permit​
Tribal ID. Or better yet, an employee of a statutorially defined ?residential facility? (such as a nursing home, battered women?s shelter, etc) can vouch for an unlimited number of residents. Gory details here: Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State : Residential Facility Voting

And you?re just gonna love this one: Voter Voucher: Voucher by another voter of the same precinct ? may vouch for a limit of 15 voters ? oath of a pre-registered voter in the same precinct or of a voter who registers in the same precinct on election day with one of the other authorized proofs of residence. A voter who is vouched for cannot vouch for another voter.
But explain what happens 6 months before the election for verification dumbass!!:LMAODo sheep really believe anything this dumbass tell's them??:LMAO

Yep, you read that right. In the state of MN, I can walk into the polling place on Election Day, register to vote, bring along 15 of my friends and as long as I ?vouch? for them being legal residents, they are allowed to vote.
From Wisconsin:
Voters register at the Secretary of State?s Office or City Clerk which is where they provide documentation that they are able to vote. They are then put in the Poll Books. When someone comes in to vote, they must show a Photo I.D. If they do not have a photo I.D. (driver?s license; State I.D. Card), they must sign an affidavit that they do not have a photo I.D. and are then allowed to vote.
How many times did this happen in the last election or ever for that matter?:LMAOWhat a bunch of dumbasses!!

From California:
I just took the GOP poll watcher course. No ID is required in CA to register to vote. No ID is required in CA when you appear at the polls to vote (I tested this myself last time in the primary) I did not offer an ID and none was requested of me before I got my ballot. No ID required indeed.
Then you should be arrested for fraud !!Thanks for busting yourself again and exposing what kind of lying fraud you are.
Every political office (like campaigns) in CA has hundreds of voter registration forms about. Fill one out and mail it in and you are good to go.
Just by the responses from the above informal sampling, it would appear that, in most cases, if someone has a photo ID?real or not?almost anyone can register to vote.

Sixth Dot: Union GOTV Strategies

Over the last year, unions have been planning their election strategy to create ?firewall? states by spending hundreds of millions to turn voters out in November. In addition to the unions, the DNC?s Organizing for America has been conducting voter registration drives for the last few months.
And what laws are they breaking again??I am sure the GOP does not do this at all right??:LMAO
In August, the SEIU and California Teachers Association announced a voter registration drive that raised little attention when it was announced, but requires a closer look [emphasis added]:
Seventh Dot: Early Voting & Election Day

Ah yes more fear and lies!!Hey let's get out and vote to save the country from brownie right Andrew??

This week, in many states across the U.S. early voting begins. This means that ballots may be being sent in from persons who have no legal right to vote, but who are voting anyway. [For the early voting dates for each state, go to the Concord Project's state pages and select a state.]
If this is all true like you say Andy then it should be real easy to stop right?I mean come on man you have all the proof right here don't ya??:LMAONo one will question you about honesty right??:LMAO

A couple of days ago, we received an anonymous tip from someone who had visited an SEIU office in Arizona and discovered that the union had allegedly registered more than 20,000 voters and was planning ?early voting rallies.?
:LMAO:LMAOAh the old anonymous tip!!:LMAOYou should have plenty of proof then so let's get to the bottom of this right.:houra

In fact, according to the SEIU-backed group One Arizona?s FaceBook page, their first ?early voting rally? is on October 7th, the first day early voting begins.
It all adds up so let's go and get em!!:LMAO

Then, on October 16th, the group has planned a big ?early voting rally? called ?AYER MARCHAMOS ? AHORA VOTAMOS! (or YESTERDAY WE MARCHED ? TODAY WE VOTE!)

The group?s object in holding this rally is apparently to have pro-immigration reform Latinos bring their ballots to mark them ?together.?
Wow this really sounds scary.I'm hiding under the covers now!!

The tactic itself is an old union tactic when mail-in ballots are conducted during union organizing campaigns and the purpose is very simple: To get the voters to vote the right way by doing it together. In this case, however, there appears to be more than meets the eye, especially if some of the attendees are in the U.S. unlawfully, but are still encouraged to vote.
Of course it is.If they do not vote the way you want them to it is all illegal and hey, maybe we can scare some of them and they will stay home and not vote against your candidate right?Win, win.

It wouldn?t be the first time, as this video shows.

Connecting the Dots:

As stated at the beginning of this post, there are seemingly disconnected dots that, when put together, leads one to believe that there could be something untoward occurring right now. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done other than for average Americans to work harder to get more people to the polls on November 2nd. And, if any fraud is discovered, with George Soros? secretaries of state in office, in certain states, it is questionable whether anything will come of it.
Sounds like you are running scared Andy.What is wrong??So if your guy does not win it is cheating!Gotcha !!What a whining crying idiot!!

As a result, if Americans don?t get more people to the polls, it is suspected that candidates will lose races where, right now, the poll numbers appear to have them leading.
Just come out with another lying scare story like this one.At least at the end you are finally admitting your true intention which is to get out the vote for your side by scaring the sheep!!Job well done!!

As we?ve been saying for months, November?s election outcome will be dependent on voter turnout. The unions and their allies have had their plans in place for months. There is less than a month to go.
Keep scaring the sheep Andy and don't worry since Freedom Works, Fox News and the Chamber of Commerce and spending 5 times more money then the unions are but hey...keep the sheep scared!!

?I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.? Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776

Re: How Unions or Their Allies Could be Stealing November?s Election Right Now

The unions are very foolish to be supporting illegal immigration amnesty provisions. A flooding of legal low education, low skill workers will further bring down wages in many industries, especially those who currently do not use illegals. Also, because many of the illegal immigrants do not speak English and have little or no education, they can easily be manipulated by management and would not understand enough to vote for unionization, even if that's in their best interests.

Statutes like the Arizona one are what can keep illegals out, as they would be deported, and potential illegals would think twice about crossing the border. This would help prevent the inflow of cheap and unskilled labor, and it would also have the effect of raising wages.


EOG Dedicated
Re: How Unions or Their Allies Could be Stealing November?s Election Right Now

The unions are very foolish to be supporting illegal immigration amnesty provisions. A flooding of legal low education, low skill workers will further bring down wages in many industries, especially those who currently do not use illegals. Also, because many of the illegal immigrants do not speak English and have little or no education, they can easily be manipulated by management and would not understand enough to vote for unionization, even if that's in their best interests.

Statutes like the Arizona one are what can keep illegals out, as they would be deported, and potential illegals would think twice about crossing the border. This would help prevent the inflow of cheap and unskilled labor, and it would also have the effect of raising wages.
That is why I do not like the SEIU.They are only looking for dues money and do not care.They are organizing maids and janitors and are not getting better wages or working conditions .Actually by the time they pay 2 hours a month dues they are losing money.The SEIU wants to trot numbers and members out there is all.