Is negro fatigue sweeping White America?


EOG Dedicated


Is negro fatigue sweeping White America?


It all adds up.

The riots in Britain last summer, Morgan Freeman's spiel about Obama opponents being racists, black thugs randomly attacking Whites at state fairs, a series of black mob robberies of convenient stores, and now the Trayton Martin episode along with the subsequent lynch-mob justice towards George Zimmerman add up to what some are calling 'negro fatigue.'

While such a term is a bit gauche for usage at, the underlying principle is undeniable: White people are losing their heightened sensitivity to everything racial. They are beginning to speak their minds in greater numbers. They are starting to fight back against black violent crime and those who excuse it.

A classic example is the straight-laced Southern Baptist leader who punished Revs Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson with a tongue lashing last week. Specifically he accused them of race baiting.

Conservative columnist John Derbyshire was a bit more pointed when he penned an article advising young White people to be cautious in the presence of large groups of blacks and to avoid them. Deberyshire was summarily fired from his position at National Review but endeared himself to thousands of grateful readers who appreciate his stark honesty.

Town Hall's Doug Giles threw his bit in the fray, writing that "blacks can murder whites, and it won't make national news."

Emerging is a new phrase, "negro fatigue."

The term is a bit misleading. White Americans are not tired of black people. Rather, they are fed up with dishonesty and the phony 'racist' stigma that is attached. Aside from Hollywood exaggeration White racism is virtually non-existent.

I prefer the phrase, "White fatigue."

Like "White flight," white fatigue describes a reaction of White people to black crime and violence. It's also a response to institutional racial policies that intentionally punish White people.

White people are tired of being labeled 'racist.' They are weary of hateful black-on-White violence going unchecked. White people are tired of watching entire cities, such as Detroit, collapse when the White infrastructure is removed only to have blight blamed on external causes.

They are weary of Somali immigrants gravitating towards violent crime. They are fed up with historical revisionism that ignores overt black complicity to slavery. They are tired of being lied to and tired of pretending the lies are true.

White people are tired of the TSA monitoring harmless little old ladies at airport terminals while the real terror is plaguing our neighborhoods. It's actually safer to get on an airliner than to enter a convenient store in many cities. Yet law enforcement is concentrated at the airport.

White people are tired of EBT cards and black farmers claiming huge settlements from White taxpayers. They are tired of historical symbols, such as the Confederate flag, being demonized. They are weary of a racist Attorney General who is looking out for 'my people' rather than upholding the Constitution. They are increasingly tired of Barack Obama.

White people are fatigued by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the New Black Panther Party. They are tired of the media giving them a pass. They are tired of obnoxious black patrons who refuse to tip, then hurl claims of racism when service is substandard. They are weary of being told that diversity is a strength.

There is a weariness among White people of being passed over for jobs, promotions and education to satisfy Affirmative Action. They are tired of entrance exams being dumbed down to accommodate those who could not compete. They are frustrated by the self-censoring media that often refuses to provide racial profiling of even the most violent of criminals. They are tired of their kids being subjected to physical and sexual abuse on school buses and in schools while society turns a politically-correct blind eye.

White people are suffocated by historical revisionism being served in cinema via Red Tails, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Help and a host of other Hollywood productions. They are tired of being saddled with White guilt, White privilege and White racism. They are tired of their monumental contributions to civilization being overlooked and their culture being overrun.

They grow fatigued when White people, like George Zimmerman and Bernard Goetz, are subjected to a flurry of black fists only to be called 'racist' for having the audacity to defend themselves.

The list can (and does) go on.

Call it what you will, negro fatigue or White fatigue. Either way it describes an awakening of White Americans to the menace of black crime and to the silliness of pretending it doesn't exist.
