Michigan State University Coach Mel Tucker situation gross on every level


EOG Dedicated
Mel Tucker is the stupidest man in America. Un-consensual sex over a phone (he was masturbating) while talking to a victim of rape, and she turned him in. Has about $77 Million left on his contract that MSU will be able to get out of now, due to a morality clause.

Always interesting to hear Mike Valenti's perspective on this, especially him being a MSU alumnus. Valenti audio

here's a few articles on the story:

EAST LANSING — You have every right to be disgusted — the details of the Michigan State football coach Mel Tucker situation are disgusting.
You have every reason to be mad at Tucker, who was suspended without pay on Sunday while MSU investigates allegations that he sexual harassed Brenda Tracy, a rape survivor.
But I would also stress caution and patience. We haven’t heard Tucker’s side and he deserves a chance to provide us that at a hearing.
You have every reason to be skeptical of the MSU administration — there were lots of questions left unanswered, as well as left unasked on Sunday. Taking just three questions at a press conference is ridiculous. It doesn’t exactly scream transparency. But I understand the need to be careful and guarded, the lawsuits are certainly coming.
And you have every right to wonder: Why in the world was Tucker even coaching this team with this looming in the background? Why wasn’t he fired months ago after MSU first learned of the allegations of sexual harassment? Or at the very least, suspended?
WHAT THEY'RE SAYING:Social media reacts to Mel Tucker suspension: 'Will never coach again' at Spartan Stadium
Here is how it has been explained to me: MSU was stuck, trying to protect both sides, while holding an investigation. If you are the victim of sexual harassment — or at least, if you feel you have a claim — you should have the right to privacy as the university investigates the allegation. And if you are being accused of sexual harassment, you, too, deserve protection as the investigation proceeds.

“The university's objective has been and remains focused on conducting a fair, thorough and unbiased investigation and law and allowing the processes to play out,” MSU athletic director Alan Haller said. “This includes protecting confidentiality of the claimant and putting in place interim measures.”
You have every right to think: why did this play out in slow motion? Why did it take so long? And what changed at MSU on Sunday? Why did the university finally suspend Tucker without pay?

That one is easy to answer. It’s because a USA TODAY report broke Sunday morning that laid out all the allegations, and that report removed any chance at trying to maintain confidentiality. At that point, MSU had no choice but suspend Tucker.
“There have been new developments before the hearing and with the best interest of everyone, including student athletes and the university community in mind, I have suspended Mel Tucker without pay as an additional interim measure,” Haller said.
What were the “new developments”? As I understand it, it was the USA TODAY report.
Let's not letting the administration off the hook. They were waiting for the bye week to hold a hearing? That feels wrong on every level. That screams: let’s hold off until a break in the schedule. Let’s hold the hearing and dump him after it during the bye week, so we don’t disrupt the season.
“So this morning's news might sound like the MSU of old, it was not,” MSU interim president Teresa K. Woodruff said. “It is not because an independent, unbiased investigation is and continues to be conducted. That investigative process is not complete and had not been referred to AD Heller or the university. That process will not be complete until there is a hearing and a final decision. It is not the MSU of old because we maintain the confidence of the claimant and the respondent, while respecting and valuing the claimants and respondents right to share their story.”
Yes, you can debate her point.

And I’m still not clear on several things: I’m not sure exactly what Haller knew as the investigation was taking place. I’m not sure if he saw the final report or not.
And the white elephant in the room is Tucker’s massive contract.
I have to believe MSU was being extra careful — or maybe, moving so slowly — so they wouldn’t have to end up paying any of it.
So what happens now?
The games will go on, of course.
Secondary coach Harlon Barnett will serve as acting head coach and former head coach Mark Dantonio will become an associate head coach.
To me, it makes all kinds of sense to bring back Dantonio. He brings back some stability, as well as a familiar face, to help guide this program through this mess.
As far as Tucker, he will get his hearing, but I cannot imagine that he will ever coach again at MSU, whether he is fired or there are lawsuits, or if they reach some kind of settlement.
And soon, MSU will begin another coaching search.
As I left campus on Sunday evening, I saw several students walking on the sidewalk; and I just felt so sad for them. I feel horrible for the students and alumni and parents, the professors and coaches — everyone in this community, really — after everything that has taken place over the last few years from Nassar to the shooting and now to this.
They deserve better.
Contact Jeff Seidel at jseidel@freepress.com or follow him @seideljeff.
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EOG Dedicated

Mitch Albom: Mel Tucker's decision making, not sex life, has likely cost him his job​

It’s not about sex. It’s about judgment.
That’s the reason Mel Tucker has been suspended as coach of the Michigan State Spartans and, in all likelihood, will never coach them again.
Judgment. Not sex. A hearing will determine whether what went on between Tucker and a woman named Brenda Tracy was consensual or not. But in truth, we shouldn’t need to be rooting around in Tucker’s bedroom, or hotel room, or wherever he had phone sex with a woman who wasn’t his wife, a woman who speaks around the country about sexual assault and is now accusing Tucker of sexually harassing her.
We shouldn't need to weigh in on whether they initially “hit it off” with one another. We benefit nothing from lurid details of what he called his private parts or hers.
That stuff should be none of our business. But it’s in our faces now, and it’s in the faces of every football player, fan, student, faculty member, administrator and alumnus of Michigan State — a school that even hears anything close to “sexual assault” and goes full PTSD.
It’s there because Tucker, 51, hired to be a “leader” of men, apparently forgot what that word means.

It doesn’t mean you never have sex. It doesn’t mean you never have privacy. It does mean you don’t put yourself in a situation that can blow up. It does mean you avoid relationships with potentially explosive consequences.
NOW WHAT?After Mel Tucker ban, Mark Dantonio 'excited to be back' with Michigan State football
And in the calendar year 2023, it most certainly means if you are dealing with a woman who is a rape victim, and has accepted money from your university, at your request, to speak to your team about the evils of sexual assault, and you are a married man — you DO NOT get romantically involved in any way.
And you absolutely don’t do anything that could be considered an unwanted advance.

Or you risk everything you’ve worked for going nuclear.
Which it has.
And which is why Tucker may well have coached his last game for MSU.

We really don't know anybody​

"This morning's news might sound like the MSU of old; it was not,” insisted MSU interim president Theresa Woodruff, addressing the media Sunday. “It is not because an independent unbiased investigation is and continues to be conducted."
At that same news conference, athletic director Alan Haller announced that he was suspending Tucker without pay “as there have been new developments before the hearing, and with the best interests of everyone including student athletes and the university community in mind.”
I don’t know what the “new developments” are. But they can’t be good. And the suspension was inevitable — although you wonder why it took a news story to engender action, since Tracy filed the Title IX report back in December.
Deep down, I suspect Tucker knew this was coming. It’s hard to believe he’s been walking around with a sword over his head for 10 months. At the very least, he knew a hearing was scheduled for the first week in October, smack in the middle of football season. Did he think people were somehow going to overlook that?

If so, it was another lack of judgment. I can’t claim to be close with Tucker, but we’ve spent some time together and I was impressed with him when he arrived in East Lansing. He seems like a decent, down-to-earth guy, with a singular focus on football.
But nobody knows nobody. Not when it comes to private lives. And they shouldn’t have to. People’s sexual activities are their own businesses, as are their marriages, and let’s be honest: we Americans are far too quick to make a sport out of ridiculing others’ peccadillos, when statistics indicate that 70% of us engage in some extramarital affair during our lifetimes.
But Tucker himself said to the investigators, “I am not proud of my judgment and I am having difficulty forgiving myself for getting into this situation.”

You can't make this go away easily​

Tucker added in that statement that he “did not engage in misconduct by any definition.” But that’s for the hearing, the investigators, and Michigan State to decide in October. If he truly did what Tracy claimed — pursued her in a way she clearly didn’t want, masturbated to her voice, then broke off contact with her and her program — its unforgivable.
But at the very least, he already did engage in behavior that, fairly or unfairly, stains the school, the team and the program indelibly. It is not the kind of thing that fades away easily.
RAINER SABIN:'Washington Week' a reminder of how far MSU football, Mel Tucker have fallen
Every future player he’d recruit, every home he’d go into, every speech he’d make about doing things the right way, would now be shadowed by an encounter with a woman who says she sat frozen and horrified while he pleasured himself over the phone. Every hostile crowd would chant and wave signs. Every sexual assault group would scream in protest.
Yes. People have done worse and survived. CNN once brought back a legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin, who did what Tucker did but on a Zoom call in front of stunned watchers. Heck, Bill Clinton, a married president, had oral sex in the White House and kept his job.
But in today’s world, and, moreover, in East Lansing, where the ghost of Larry Nassar’s horrors still wafts across the campus, it is unsustainable. And I don’t see any way that Tucker blows another whistle to assemble student athletes in Spartan Stadium. Not when an outspoken champion of sexual assault victims is his accuser.

And if Tucker didn’t understand this before, he most certainly does now.
Even though his lawyers will insist otherwise.

No one to blame but himself​

The next steps are predictable. The parties will likely stay mum until the hearing. Tucker’s lawyers will argue that this was his private time and private life. As one of his supporting “expert witnesses” wrote in a letter to the investigators: “Can an employee never have phone sex?”
That’s what this will turn into, a he said/she said legal battle over what is private, what is consensual, and what is a violation of a contract that still has a about $80 million guaranteed left on it, but contains a clause about behavior that brings “public disrespect, contempt or ridicule on the University.”
It’ll be hard to argue that hasn’t already happened. Or that it would ever stop happening if Tucker appeared again on an MSU sideline.
Just consider how the event was factually reported in the Free Press: “The fourth-year head coach is alleged to have masturbated while talking to sexual assault victims advocate Brenda Tracy.”
How do you go on coaching college students after that?
In the report, Tucker, who did not deny his actions, but insisted they were consensual and that Tracy has an agenda against MSU, stated his regret, and added this curious sentence:
“I will never again allow myself to be duped by kindness.”

I don’t know what went on over that phone, but I don’t think kindness is the word. In fact, there’s only one word. Judgment.
Make that two. Bad judgment.
And in a mega-rich, high profile, big spotlight position like Tucker has, bad judgment will tackle you harder than any middle linebacker. The worst part is, you’re tackling yourself.
Contact Mitch Albom: malbom@freepress.com. Check out the latest updates with his charities, books and events at MitchAlbom.com. Follow him @mitchalbom.


EOG Master

A few phone calls can be construed as business or appreciation of her non-profit work. This went beyond. "Girlfriend' new
what's up including inducing/seducing money and gifts. The athletes that raped her went unpunished. IMO this looks
like revenge and Tucker was plain stupid. I'm waiting for the civil suit....

In short, Tucker was trying to find the hole while she was always in prevent defense.

Patrick McIrish

OCCams raZOR
MSU is the school that had the Doc fingering all the gymnasts and under-aged chicks across America wasn't it?

They took heat for that, expect them to come down HARD (pun intended) on this one.


EOG Master
smells like a witch hunt to get out of the 100M dollar contract. sexual harassment officer claims sex harrassement, cant make this woke shit up anymore


EOG Master
View attachment 7469717

A few phone calls can be construed as business or appreciation of her non-profit work. This went beyond. "Girlfriend' new
what's up including inducing/seducing money and gifts. The athletes that raped her went unpunished. IMO this looks
like revenge and Tucker was plain stupid. I'm waiting for the civil suit....

In short, Tucker was trying to find the hole while she was always in prevent defense.
if she was really playing prevent she wouldnt have answerd the calls, she accomplished her ultimate goal tho, which was to play the victim


EOG Dedicated
Suspended Michigan State coach Mel Tucker refutes sexual harassment allegations

“Ms. Tracy and I engaged in dozens of calls throughout fall 2021 and winter 2022, many of which she initiated and which occurred late at night. We both talked about all sorts of intimate, private matters. She told me that I could trust her, and I proceeded to do just that.”

“While I am saddened by Ms. Tracy’s disclosure of the sensitive nature of this call, let me be perfectly clear—it was an entirely mutual, private event between two adults living at opposite ends of the country,” Tucker said. “She initiated the discussion that night, sent me a provocative picture of the two of us together, suggested what she may look like without clothes, and never once during the 36 minutes did she object in any manner, much less hang up the phone.”

He later added that Tracy never cut off ties to the program and claimed she only raised objections when he postponed her next paid presentation and when he “complained to her that she and her assistant were spreading rumors about my marriage.


EOG Master
Since the Nassar incident, getting sponsors has been difficult for Michigan State. Never know who you will see backing your team:



EOG Master
View attachment 7469717

A few phone calls can be construed as business or appreciation of her non-profit work. This went beyond. "Girlfriend' new
what's up including inducing/seducing money and gifts. The athletes that raped her went unpunished. IMO this looks
like revenge and Tucker was plain stupid. I'm waiting for the civil suit....

In short, Tucker was trying to find the hole while she was always in prevent defense.
she wasnt in prevent defense, she was their to get him fired from jump street, she was like bill laimbeer or dennis rodman trying to draw a charge and then do a flop, she is a professional victim and she found an easy John