NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

The HIDDEN TAX that the Government doesn't want you to know about.

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EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

We would like to provide you right now with the 10 most interesting NIAnswers that we have recently added to our database. Please take the time to read and enjoy!

1) How much over spot is a good price for silver and gold?

A good price for a 1 oz silver coin like an American Eagle or Canadian Maple Leaf is 12% over spot, and a good price for a 1 oz silver bar is 6% over spot.

For gold, a good price for a 1 oz gold coin like an American Eagle or Canadian Maple Leaf is 4% over spot, and a good price for a 1 oz gold bar is 2% over spot.

The larger premium for silver compared to gold indicates a shortage in the physical silver market.

2) Now that GATA has blown the doors off the LBMA ponzi scheme, and we know there is only 1 oz of silver for every 100 oz represented on paper, why hasn't there been a panic to dump paper and go into physical? What will it take to trigger a short squeeze?

We don't believe there is only 1 oz of physical silver for every 100 oz represented on paper. Most likely, there is 1 to 3 times more paper silver than physical silver. This is still a major problem that will ultimately result in a major silver shortage and short squeeze, once a large number of COMEX holders begin to demand physical delivery of silver. This is a topic that we will be covering extensively in our new documentary coming out next month.

3) If the silver market is controlled by JP Morgan and others, how does the little guy stand a chance of making money?

The manipulation by JP Morgan through naked short selling is providing an opportunity for normal everyday investors to purchase silver at dirt-cheap prices. Without JP Morgan's naked short selling, it's possible silver would already be well above $30 per ounce right now.

Remember, JP Morgan is not manipulating silver up, they are manipulating it down and the manipulation can't last forever. When investors around the globe call for physical delivery of their silver, there will be a shortage of physical silver and JP Morgan will be forced to cover their naked short position, causing silver prices to explode to the upside.

NIA believes silver will eventually see the biggest short squeeze in the history of all commodities.

4) What is the best way to respond to the overused and baseless argument that we needed the stimulus package or else the U.S. economy would've crashed and we would've had another Great Depression?

The stimulus package didn't stimulate the economy but it actually stifled it because we needed to go deeper into debt and borrow the money that was used on projects that added no production to our economy. The jobs that were created were temporary but we still owe the debt. We will need to print the money to pay the debt back, which will ultimately lead to hyperinflation.

Our country does not have access to unlimited financial resources. The money that we borrowed for the stimulus package took away from the money that could've been borrowed by a small business, which could've invested the money into building a factory that would've produced goods and generated real wealth for decades to come.

Our economy needed to enter a recession in order to clean out the toxic assets and imbalances. Today, all of the toxic assets still exist on the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve and the economic imbalances that caused the last crisis have grown larger than ever before.

Instead of going through a steep recession, we will now be forced to eventually endure a hyperinflationary Great Depression. Remember, when there is a boom created by cheap credit, there must eventually be a bust. There is no way around it. All the government has done is push the real collapse down the road while making the eventual outcome a lot more devastating.

5) Why do you not like investing into Real Estate? Isn't it smart to buy Real Estate that is cash-flow positive and then use that cash-flow to purchase precious metals?

Real Estate that is cash-flow positive today, might not be so in the future. In our opinion, it will be impossible for landlords to increase their rents at the same rate as inflation. If you are a landlord, your real cash-flow will diminish over time.

During periods of high inflation, preserving ones purchasing power becomes a lot more important than generating cash-flow. We believe Real Estate will continue to decrease in real value because Real Estate is not very liquid and prices are still at artificially propped up levels. Those who own Real Estate will do poorly compared to those who own precious metals.

6) Do you believe the discovery of many large oil shale deposits in the U.S. will drive down oil prices?

There are several major shale deposits in the U.S. that contain large amounts of oil and natural gas. The cost of extracting oil from these formations is very high and we doubt it will have much of a damper on oil prices. Although it is cheaper and easier to extract natural gas from these formations, we believe the existence of these shale deposits is already factored into our current low natural gas prices. We expect to see many vehicles convert to run off of natural gas in the future, which could lessen the demand for oil, but it will take many years for these conversions to take place. We believe $100+ oil is inevitable due to increasing demand from China and India, and the Federal Reserve's monetary inflation.

7) Do you believe Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) being issued by the IMF will accelerate the U.S. into hyperinflation? Are SDRs being setup to become the new world reserve currency?

From 1970 to 1981 the IMF issued $30 billion worth of SDRs, and gold and silver prices soared to record real highs. The IMF recently issued approximately $300 billion worth of new SDRs. Certainly, this shows that inflation is a major problem around the world and now is the time to own gold and silver.

We don't believe SDRs are being setup to become a new world reserve currency. It would be much more beneficial to China for them to allow their own currency to become the reserve currency.

8) I am considering a career in the military. With the coming collapse, will the military offer me and my family any type of security or will the hyperinflation affect the military as well?

We don't think the U.S. government will be able to afford the military it has today for much longer. Our military needs to be scaled back immediately if we want to prevent hyperinflation. During hyperinflation, the army will most likely be used mainly to protect government officials. Those who are left in the military will demand to be paid in gold, until our gold reserves are completely depleted.

9) I work at Disney Orlando as a server. I make about $300 a day on average. My seniority is rather high. What will happen to my job when the economy collapses?

We can't picture Disney World in Orlando ever closing its doors and going out of business. Certainly, your wages will decline in purchasing power and workers will demand higher nominal wages. Disney will have to increase admission fees and if visitors can't afford them, Disney will layoff employees. Hopefully your level of seniority will ensure your job safety.

The good thing about Disney World is many Asian visitors and foreign tourists come each year. We might see the percentage of foreign visitors increase in the years to come and make up a larger percentage of Disney World's theme park revenues.

10) If the government imposes a value added tax, how will that affect inflation?

We believe Americans are already taxed to the hilt and any additional taxes will have the effect of reducing tax revenues. We need to move the discussion in America away from taxes and towards inflation. It is impossible to fund our current level of government spending and pay back our national debt through taxation. It will all be paid through massive monetary inflation.

The National Inflation Association


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Found an abridged 10 minute version of this very important film

NIA Meltup - Abridged

<EMBED src= width=640 height=385 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>
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EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Clueless and stupid

Inflation is the expansion of money supply, prices rise as a result of inflation

If you think the stupid , manipulative numbers put out by government is any indication of price inflation I have a bridge to sell you

The Dow Jones declined by 376.36 points today to 10,068.01, but to us it is meaningless what the Dow Jones gains or loses in nominal terms. The number NIA cares most about is how the Dow Jones performs in terms of gold or the Dow/Gold ratio.

One of our top ten predictions for 2010 that we announced on December 21st, was that we would see a sharp decline in the Dow/Gold ratio from 9.3 to below 7.

Two weeks ago with the Dow/Gold ratio at 8.7, NIA said, "We expect this downward trend in the Dow/Gold ratio to accelerate in the weeks and months ahead." Today the Dow/Gold ratio finished at 8.5.

The Dow/Gold ratio chart shows the cyclical nature of the battle between paper assets like stocks and hard assets like Gold. The Dow/Gold ratio trends upward during secular bull markets in paper assets when everybody is fixated on growth. The Dow/Gold ratio trends downward when the growth phase ends, and everybody's concern is to conserve their wealth.

After the inflationary crisis of the 1970s, the Dow/Gold ratio reached a low in 1980 of 1. NIA believes the inflationary depression that we are currently in will not be over until the Dow/Gold ratio reaches a bottom of 1. This means we expect to see another 88% decline in the price of stocks in terms of gold.

The second most important number NIA cares about is the median U.S. home price/silver ratio. The national median home price is currently $166,100 or 9,400 ounces of silver.

When silver reached its all time high in January of 1980 of $49.45 per ounce, the median U.S. home price at the time was $62,900 or 1,272 ounces of silver. We expect the median U.S. home price/silver ratio to return to that level by the time this inflationary depression is over. This means we expect to see another 86% decline in the price of Real Estate in terms of silver.

Please continue to spread the word about NIA by telling your friends and family to subscribe for free at: <!-- / message -->


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

But, but, but....:LMAO:LMAO
Don't worry Joe/Bruce you will get one of your doom and gloom predictions right!!What year are we up to now??2015?:LMAO
Yes of course this article is all wrong and the NIA is right on the money like it usually is.:cheersWhat are they selling this month for the sheep??


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

But, but, but....:LMAO:LMAO
Don't worry Joe/Bruce you will get one of your doom and gloom predictions right!!What year are we up to now??2015?:LMAO
Yes of course this article is all wrong and the NIA is right on the money like it usually is.:cheersWhat are they selling this month for the sheep??

Dont let the facts get in the way of your party :+drinking

One of our top ten predictions for 2010 that we announced on December 21st, was that we would see a sharp decline in the Dow/Gold ratio from 9.3 to below 7.

Two weeks ago with the Dow/Gold ratio at 8.7, NIA said, "We expect this downward trend in the Dow/Gold ratio to accelerate in the weeks and months ahead." Today the Dow/Gold ratio finished at 8.5.


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Dont let the facts get in the way of your party :+drinking

One of our top ten predictions for 2010 that we announced on December 21st, was that we would see a sharp decline in the Dow/Gold ratio from 9.3 to below 7.

Two weeks ago with the Dow/Gold ratio at 8.7, NIA said, "We expect this downward trend in the Dow/Gold ratio to accelerate in the weeks and months ahead." Today the Dow/Gold ratio finished at 8.5.
Of course Bruce.NIA was the only ones that predicted this too right?I bet they predicted that unemployment would remain over 9% for the next year too huh?:LMAO


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Of course Bruce.NIA was the only ones that predicted this too right?I bet they predicted that unemployment would remain over 9% for the next year too huh?:LMAO

Another great point, I mean what kind of value is there in a prediction umless YOUR THE ONLY ONE


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Another great point, I mean what kind of value is there in a prediction umless YOUR THE ONLY ONE
Especially if your the one batting ZERO.:+excited-
Just curious but what else have you bought from these clowns??Are they tied into Goldline??:LMAO


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Don't Doubt Bernanke's Ability to Create Inflation

With the Dow Jones now down 11% nominally from its high last month, NIA has been getting hundreds of emails and phone calls asking if there is any way we could be wrong about the threat of hyperinflation in the U.S. and if indeed deflation is the real problem we need to be worried about. The names Nouriel Roubini, Robert Prechter, and Harry Dent get mentioned to us a lot, with many NIA members asking why these so-called "experts" believe deflation is in our future.

Roubini, Prechter and Dent have been wrong about the overwhelming majority of their economic forecasts over the past decade. When it comes to their latest predictions about deflation, they will actually be right to some extent. We will see deflation in some assets like stocks and Real Estate, but only when priced in terms of real money - gold and silver. In terms of dollars, prices for pretty much all goods and services are guaranteed to rise dramatically over the next few years. Creating inflation is the only thing in the world Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke knows how to do and is good at.

During the past week, the mainstream media has shifted from saying we are experiencing an "economy recovery" to now saying we are at risk of a "double dip recession". Nothing fundamentally has changed in our economy. The fact is, the U.S. economy has been in a recession since mid-2000. All government reported positive GDP growth since mid-2000 has been due to nothing but inflation. Our economy should have experienced a depression in 2001 and an even greater one in 2008, but the depression has been temporarily avoided at the expense of an inevitable Hyperinflationary Great Depression down the road.

NIA believes it is impossible for the U.S. to experience price deflation when the Federal Reserve has held interest rates at 0% for the past 17 months. Sure, there will probably be a second wave of mortgage defaults that could cause another round of forced liquidations on Wall Street, but during any future period of forced liquidations, we doubt the U.S. dollar will still be looked at as the "safe haven" it was in 2008/2009. Gold and silver will soon be looked at as the only real safe havens because they are the only assets that provide protection from both a deteriorating economy and massive inflation. Precious metals will decouple from the Dow Jones and we will begin to see gold and silver rise at the same time as the stock market falls.

Bernanke was questioned yesterday following a speech at the Bank of Japan about whether a 4% inflation target would be better than the Fed's current inflation target of 2%. Bernanke responded that "it would be a very risky transition" if the Fed changed their inflation target, claiming that U.S. inflation expectations are currently "very stable". (NIA estimates the real rate of U.S. price inflation is already north of 5%.)

Unfortunately, no policymaker in the world is smart enough to accurately control the rate of price inflation through the manipulation of interest rates, and certainly not Bernanke. It's mind-boggling to us how the mainstream media could believe anything Bernanke says about inflation after how wrong he has been about everything else. Maybe the press has already forgotten that it was Bernanke who in July of 2005 said, "it's a pretty unlikely possibility" that home prices will decline across the country, "house prices will slow, maybe stabilize but I don't think it's going to drive the economy too far from its full employment path". We are 100% sure that Bernanke will be proven wrong again when it comes to inflation.

The U.S. Dollar Index has rallied from 75 to 87 since December and is approaching its high from March of 2009 of 89. This has given Bernanke the cover to keep interest rates at a record low 0%, but NIA believes Bernanke is misreading these economic signals. When the U.S. Dollar Index reached its high last year of 89, gold was only $900 per ounce. Today, gold is approximately $1,200 per ounce. The fact that gold has held up so strong despite a rapidly rising U.S. Dollar Index, proves that our financial system is getting ready to overdose on excess liquidity. The U.S. Dollar Index has rallied only because it is heavily weighted against the Euro. The Euro is now overdue for a huge bounce, which we believe will send the U.S. dollar crashing while sending gold to new record highs.

It's not good for us to pay too much attention to short-term volatility in the financial markets. Short-term "noise" often causes investors to second guess what they know is true. In our new documentary 'Meltup' (which has now surpassed 441,000 views in 10 days) we said, "If stocks were to see a nominal decline one last time, we will likely see Bernanke shoot up his largest ever dose of quantitative easing, which could turn the current Meltup into hyperinflation."

We are seeing signs of this coming true already. Washington is now calling for another stimulus. Larry Summers, senior economic adviser to President Obama, has asked Congress to begin drafting a new stimulus bill in an attempt to prevent a "double dip recession". The proposed size of this new stimulus is so far only $200 billion, much smaller than the last $787 billion stimulus bill. However, we are sure Congress will increase the size of it, especially if stocks continue their nominal decline. The new stimulus bill will likely coincide with trillions of dollars in additional quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve.


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

July 6, 2010

U.S. Austerity Necessary to Prevent Hyperinflation

In NIA's latest economic documentary 'Meltup', we said that the simple act of the U.S. government eliminating its $7.25 per hour minimum wage and implementing a new $7.25 per hour maximum wage for government employees, would go a long way in helping rebalance America's unstable economy. NIA is very pleased that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appears to have watched Meltup. Schwarzenegger last week announced plans to cut pay for over 200,000 state employees down to the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour due to a budget impasse.

Although most expect these salaries to rise back up after California passes a new budget, NIA believes the only way California will be able to survive without a bailout from the Federal Government, is if these wage cuts are made permanent. In fact, if the U.S. government wants to have any hope of preventing and/or delaying hyperinflation from occurring by the year 2015, we believe the Federal Government will need to implement similar wage cuts on a nationwide basis within the next 24 to 36 months.

Both the U.S. dollar and Euro experienced a decline in their share of the world's foreign-exchange reserves during the first quarter of 2010. Meanwhile, central banks reported a 19% increase in the "other currencies" category, which includes currencies like the Canadian dollar and Australian dollar. While many European countries are now making the right choice of implementing tough austerity cuts to counteract weakening demand for Euros, there have been no calls for major austerity cuts in the United States. Before long, NIA expects short-term confidence in the Euro to be restored, which could turn the U.S. dollar short-term bounce into a huge crash, exactly like NIA predicted in its top 10 predictions for 2010.

The U.S. is currently in a death spiral of accelerating national debt growth, endless deficits, and soon to be skyrocketing interest rates and massive price inflation. Beginning in late-2010/early-2011 as confidence is restored in the Euro and the spotlight is put on the U.S. debt crisis, NIA expects to see a dramatic rush out of the U.S. dollar that will accelerate going into 2012. A select group of educated Americans who reach the exit door first will become the wealthiest Americans of the future, while the rest of the country sees the purchasing power of their savings disappear.

Despite what the U.S. government would have you believe, deflation is a good thing. Our country was able to survive the Great Depression of the 1930s because we were lucky enough to have across the board price deflation. Shockingly, even back then the U.S. government took unprecedented measures in order to battle some areas of price deflation, which NIA believes prolonged the Great Depression.

During the Great Depression, the U.S. was faced with overproduction of agricultural commodities due to technological advances made during the Roaring Twenties. The one problem no American should have had at that time was finding food to eat. However, rather than let Americans eat cheap food, our government compounded problems by enacting the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which paid farmers to destroy their crops in an attempt to artificially raise agriculture prices. This led to millions of Americans overpaying for food and nearly starving to death.

The one problem no American should have today is finding shelter. The agriculture overproduction during the early years of the Great Depression pales in comparison to the overproduction of new homes the U.S. experienced this past decade. Rather than let Americans enjoy affordable housing, the U.S. government once again implemented wasteful policies such as the $8,000 home buyer tax credit in an attempt to artificially prop housing prices up. There are now hundreds of thousands of Americans who are "squatting" in homes, by occupying homes they neither own, rent or have permission to use.

Deflation is good for all Americans because it increases the purchasing power of their U.S. dollars. There were no good reasons for Americans to have gone without food during the Great Depression and to be squatting in homes today. These problems were created as a direct result of the government's interference in the free market, as part of their ill-conceived war against deflation. If the government simply got out of the way, food would have been affordable for all Americans during the Great Depression and housing would be affordable for all Americans today.

NIA believes it is important for the government to also get out of the way when it comes to wage controls. NIA frequently tells young people that the best way to start a successful career in the U.S. is not by getting deeply into debt to attend college, but by immediately entering the workforce and gaining first hand knowledge and experience. Without a minimum wage, a recent high school graduate who wants to start a career in the oil drilling industry, could write letters to the CEOs of oil drilling companies offering his/her services for just $5 per hour. Under current labor laws, this would be illegal, even though the high school graduate would be receiving an education that is far superior to what he/she would receive in college.

NIA's biggest fear is that the U.S. government will implement price controls during hyperinflation, by ordering stores to sell goods at government mandated prices. A couple months ago while NIA was producing Meltup, an event took place just outside of a major U.S. city that demonstrates just how devastating price controls will be on the lives of all Americans during hyperinflation. This story was largely ignored by the mainstream media, but NIA is currently producing a video that will expose the significance of what took place inside of our very own country. We will be releasing this shocking video later this month.

Please continue to spread the word about NIA by telling your friends and family to subscribe for free.


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

On November 26th a member asked us on NIAnswers, "Besides gold and silver what is the next best investment before inflation hits?". NIA's response was, "We are most bullish on agricultural commodities. We see a huge opportunity right now in wheat. Wheat is currently down 80% from its inflation adjusted all time high from the 1970s."

NIA also wrote an article on October 30th entitled, "U.S. Inflation to Appear Next in Food and Agriculture" in which we said, "Wheat is currently down 60% from its all time nominal high set in 2008 and 80% from its inflation adjusted high set in the 1970s." We highlighted how wheat had only bounced 13% from its lows (which was much less than other commodities) and said that we expect "increased demand for wheat".

Wheat prices surged today to $8.08 per bushel up from $4.72 per bushel in June. That's a shocking price increase of 71% in less than two months. Combined with rising oil prices, Americans will begin to see massive price inflation in the months ahead in the two areas that matter most: food and energy.

NIA's eagerly anticipated new movie "Japan: America's Lost Decade" is tentatively scheduled to be released tomorrow. This 12-minute video will be the most comprehensive report ever done about Japan's "Lost Decade" of deflation and how Japan's economy compares to the U.S. If you would like your friends and family to be the first to see NIA's new upcoming movie, tell them to become a member of NIA for free at:


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

The U.S. Path to Collapse

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission today held hearings with former Lehman Brothers Chairman Dick Fuld. They are trying to figure out why Lehman Brothers was allowed to collapse, with the belief that the failure of Lehman Brothers caused the financial crisis of 2008. The truth is, the failure of Lehman Brothers was a result of the crisis and allowing them to fail was the only correct decision the government made during the crisis.

The pain that was felt after the collapse of Lehman Brothers is nothing compared to the pain that will come when we begin to feel the effects of bailing out the rest of Wall Street. U.S. second quarter GDP growth was revised down on Friday from 2.4% to 1.6%. In order to get this 1.6% GDP growth, the U.S. government had to spend $3.7 trillion on bailouts, stimulus bills, the buying of mortgage backed securities, and other commitments.

General Motors reported today that their August deliveries fell 25% from one year ago to 185,176 vehicles. The U.S. government used "cash for clunkers" to buy GDP growth in 2009, but that growth stole from future automobile sales. NIA believes that GM's sales decline is a sign that the U.S. will likely see a sharp contraction in GDP beginning in the third-quarter, which will lead to the Federal Reserve implementing the mother of all quantitative easing and cause a massive sell off in the U.S. dollar.

Christina Romer, outgoing Chairwoman of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, today called for more government spending and less taxes as a way to bring down unemployment. The combination of more government spending and less taxes equals massive inflation, but this represents the state of mind in Washington today. Inflation is still the last thing on their minds because they don't see it yet.

Even though we might not see massive across the board price inflation at this time, gold and silver prices have been surging ever since NIA released its article "Gold and Silver Capitulation is Near" on July 28th. Gold is very close to breaking its all time nominal high of $1,264.90 per ounce set during June and silver is getting ready to test the critical $20-$21 per ounce resistance level.

Rising gold and silver prices indicate that the U.S. is headed for an explosion in budget deficits that will rise far beyond what it can pay for through borrowing. Leading Chinese economists are now calling Japanese debt less risky than U.S. debt and with the Japanese savings rate in decline, the U.S. will soon have nobody left to borrow from. The only option will be monetization and already the Federal Reserve is getting ready to buy $10 billion to $30 billion per month in U.S. treasuries to keep its balance sheet at inflated levels.

There are now 50 million Americans on Medicaid, with annual Medicaid costs rising 36% over the past two years to $273 billion. The recently enacted health care bill will add 16 million more Americans to Medicaid beginning in 2014, but the U.S. government will likely go bust by then. It is impossible to have an economic recovery when jobless benefits are encouraging Americans to stay unemployed. U.S. unemployment insurance spending has nearly quadrupled since 2007 to $160 billion annually. Even food stamp costs have surged 80% over the past two years to $70 billion annually.

Once Americans get used to receiving and relying on government entitlement programs, it is hard to wean them off of them. NIA has been hearing reports from members with friends who say they will only "come out of retirement" if they can find a job that pays $25 per hour or more, because with anything less it wouldn't be worth losing their jobless and food stamp benefits. Americans expect to receive their jobless benefits forever and we are sure Obama will continue to extend them leading up to the 2012 election.

There are now countless warning signs all around us on a daily basis that the U.S. is headed for a complete societal collapse. NIA received an overwhelming response from its members when we asked you to submit any signs you see that a societal collapse is near. The response we received was so strong that we are now beginning to produce a documentary about America's upcoming collapse of society. The documentary will be over an hour long and we are hoping to release it by the end of October. It will go beyond the economic facts and statistics that were discussed in 'Meltup' and help expose the upcoming collapse from a real life perspective. NIA believes this documentary will appeal to a very mainstream audience and help open up the world's eyes to the truth about the path this country is on.

Please spread the word about NIA and have your friends and family subscribe for free at:


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Wheat prices surged today to $8.08 per bushel up from $4.72 per bushel in June. That's a shocking price increase of 71% in less than two months. Combined with rising oil prices, Americans will begin to see massive price inflation in the months ahead in the two areas that matter most: food and energy.

Wheat prices surged because of the drought in Russia and Government restrictions.Has nothing to do with this but if they want to take credit for this ''prediction'' then have at it.


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

September surprise: Stocks soar

<!-- KEEP -->Click chart to see what's moving markets today.<fb:like class=" fb_edge_widget_with_comment fb_iframe_widget" action="recommend" href="" background="none" show_faces="false" width="450" layout="standard"><iframe src="" class="fb_ltr" style="border: medium none; overflow: hidden; height: 23px; width: 450px;" name="f367346ad1c3ee8" id="f39d3ba8b5c9062"></iframe></fb:like> By Ben Rooney, staff reporterSeptember 1, 2010: 5:56 PM ET

<!--endclickprintexclude--><!-- CONTENT -->NEW YORK ( -- The bulls are back on Wall Street. After a bearish August, stocks roared into September with a major rally Wednesday, as investors cheered signs of strength in the manufacturing sector.
The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) gained 256 points, or 2.2%.The S&P 500 (SPX) soared 31 points, or 2.9%. The Nasdaq (COMP) composite rallied 63 points, or 3%.

They must not be members of NIA.Don't they know how bad it is out there??The manufacturing sector has been smoking for months now. Hurry up and get them signed up for this site so they can catch the doom and gloom fever.


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

keep laughing guys, keep laughing:doh1

Gold reached a new all time high today of $1,274.75 per ounce and silver reached a new multi-year high of $20.492 per ounce!

On December 11th, NIA declared silver the best investment for the next decade at $17.40 per ounce. Silver is up 18% since then while the Dow Jones has only gained 1%!

On February 5th when silver dipped down to below $15 per ounce NIA said, "NIA believes this is a once in a lifetime entry point for those wishing to go long silver at a bargain basement price".

On February 8th NIA said, "NIA is betting big that this past week's short-term decline in the paper price of silver was just a temporary wash out, before a huge surge in silver prices later in 2010."

We told you on February 8th that NIA's co-founder purchased 1,300 January 2011 $20 SLV call options at a price of $0.89 and we suggested them to you at a price of $0.93. These call options reached a high today of $1.52 per contract up 71% from our co-founder's purchase price and up 63% from our suggestion price in just seven months!

NIA called another short-term bottom in gold and silver perfectly on July 28th when we released an article entitled "Gold and Silver Capitulation is Near". Almost everybody on Wall Street was bearish on gold and silver at the time and predicting a collapse in precious metals prices due to "deflation".

NIA said on July 28th, "The sentiment on gold and silver has abruptly changed to the negative like nothing we have ever seen before and to us this means the big move to the upside is right around the corner." Since then, gold has risen 22 out of 33 days for a gain of 9% and silver has risen 24 out of 33 days for a gain of 17%!

Some of NIA's gold and silver stock suggestions reached new 52-week highs today including Newmont Mining (NEM) up 57% from our suggestion price, Eldorado Gold (EGO) up 120% from our suggestion price, Ivanhoe Mines (IVN) up 236% from our suggestion price, Silver Wheaton (SLW) up 276% from our suggestion price, and First Majestic Silver (TSX: FR) up 112% from our suggestion price!

Our legal disclaimer:


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Damn Bruce you are almost there.Doom and gloom is on the horizon so keep stroking!!


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

But, but, but....:LMAO:LMAO
Don't worry Joe/Bruce you will get one of your doom and gloom predictions right!!What year are we up to now??2015?:LMAO
Yes of course this article is all wrong and the NIA is right on the money like it usually is.:cheersWhat are they selling this month for the sheep??

Just here to help, buys, just here to help

Gold reached a new all time high today of $1,285.20 per ounce!

NIA is very pleased that our last stock suggestion Canadian Zinc (Toronto: CZN) finished today at $0.58 for a gain of 57% since we suggested it to you on July 28th at $0.37.

NIA's new stock suggestion that we announced this morning U.S. Silver Corporation (TSX Venture: USA) finished today up 29% to its high of the day of $0.36 on record breaking volume of nearly 7.9 million shares.

First Majestic Silver (Toronto: FR) was up 8% today to $6.33 and reached a new 52-week high of $6.38 for a gain of 134% since we suggested it to you on June 2nd, 2009, at $2.72.

Ivanhoe Mines (IVN) was up 6% today to $21.50 and reached a new 52-week high of $21.75 for a gain of 272% since we suggested it to you on April 15th, 2009, at $5.84.

NIA is now approximately 1/3 done with its new documentary about the societal collapse that is coming to America. This promises to be our best documentary in history and possibly the best documentary to ever be released on the Internet.

Please remember to tell your friends and family members to become members of NIA for free at so that they can be the first to see NIA's new upcoming documentary!

Our legal disclaimer:

A co-founder of NIA has purchased 2,700 shares of IVN and could sell them at any time.


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Just here to help, buys, just here to help

Gold reached a new all time high today of $1,285.20 per ounce!

NIA is very pleased that our last stock suggestion Canadian Zinc (Toronto: CZN) finished today at $0.58 for a []

Canadian Zinc????Joe what do you have on this????Give us an expert opinion since this is your country.


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Unfortunately, America is being brainwashed by the mainstream media into believing there is a gold bubble. The truth is... the public in 2010 has purchased $2.7 billion worth of gold and $155 billion worth of bonds. Which one do you think is a bubble?

<EMBED src= width=640 height=385 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Well, that was refreshing

Now back to the reality of the problem

On a day when all the talk is about cutting spending and the deficit, the FED reloads and prints fresh currency to allow for both parties to put off making the cuts that have to happen

November 3, 2010

Fed's Quantitative Easing to Starve Middle Class Americans

The Federal Reserve today announced that they will be implementing $600 billion in additional quantitative easing by the end of June 2011. The Federal Reserve will maintain its current policy of reinvesting principal payments from its security holdings and will expand its balance sheet by an additional $75 billion per month. The total announced balance sheet expansion was $100 billion higher than the public consensus of $500 billion. The Federal Reserve will continue to hold interest rates at record low levels of 0% to 0.25%, where they have been for nearly two years.

Quantitative easing is nothing more than the Federal Reserve printing money and creating inflation. This quantitative easing steals from the purchasing power of the incomes and savings of all Americans. While Americans are distracted by the mainstream media with daily debates by the Democrats and Republicans about taxes, U.S. taxes have almost no where near the effect on the lives of middle class Americans as does the Federal Reserve's monetary policy and quantitative easing. Instead of millions of Americans attending "tea party" events in Washington with Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, they should be marching outside of the Federal Reserve building in New York chanting "End the Fed".

As highlighted in NIA's new documentary 'End of Liberty', which just surpassed 170,000 views in three days, prices of nearly all agricultural commodities have been spiraling out of control in recent months just in anticipation of today's quantitative easing announcement. In the past 60 days alone, cotton prices are up 54%, corn prices are up 29%, soybean prices are up 22%, orange juice prices are up 17%, and sugar prices are up 51%. Meanwhile, the Dow Jones has only gained 9%.

The Federal Reserve is doing everything in its power to push stock market prices up so that the government can take credit for an "economic recovery", but as NIA has been warning for years, inflation gravitates most towards the goods that Americans need most in order to live and survive. There is nothing that Americans need more than food. The agricultural commodity price increases of the past two months will begin to make their way into all supermarkets nationwide during the next few months. Americans who have been struggling just to make their mortgage payments, will now be forced to stop paying their mortgage in order to buy food. Instead of hoping to get the latest Apple gadget for Christmas this holiday season, American children better be grateful if their parents are able just to put food on the table.

After the financial crisis of late-2008/early-2009 when the Federal Reserve implemented its first round of quantitative easing, the Dow Jones rallied by 74% from its low of 6,469.95 in March of 2009 to a high of 11,257.93 in April of 2010. By the Dow Jones rallying, the U.S. government was able to take credit for creating an "economic recovery", despite the fact that unemployment remained near multi-decade highs. NIA released a documentary on May 13th called 'Meltup', in which we said, "The truth is, our economy is not recovering, prices are rising only due to inflation." NIA proclaimed in 'Meltup', "If stocks were to see a nominal decline one last time, we will likely see Bernanke shoot up his largest ever dose of quantitative easing."

On July 19th, with the Dow Jones having declined by 11% from its April high down to 10,073.68, everybody in the mainstream media was talking about the threat of deflation. NIA released an article on July 19th entitled, "Double-Dip Recession Does Not Mean Deflation" in which we said, "NIA believes the Federal Reserve is quietly getting ready to implement 'The Mother of All Quantitative Easing'." NIA went on to say, "NIA fears that come this October, Bernanke is likely to shoot up his largest ever dose of quantitative easing."

Today, NIA's prediction for the most part came true. The Federal Reserve announced massive quantitative easing ($600 billion) and our timing was almost perfect (we missed October by a few days). This isn't quite what we consider to be the "The Mother of All Quantitative Easing", but don't worry, the Fed will announce additional quantitative easing soon if the slightest hint of deflation reappears.

Current U.S. price inflation based on the consumer price index (CPI) is 1.5% and the Federal Reserve wants to see this number increase to 2%. The truth is, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) uses geometric weighting and hedonics to artificially manipulate this number lower than the real rate of inflation in order to keep American's social security payment increases as low as possible so that politicians in Washington have more of your money to spend. Based on the way the U.S. government previously calculated price inflation before the BLS's latest tactics to manipulate the CPI as low as possible, NIA believes current year-over-year price inflation is at least 5%.

No human being alive, especially Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, is smart enough to perfectly manage the rate of price inflation by printing money. By expanding the balance sheet by $600 billion, NIA believes the real price inflation rate will rise above 10% in early 2011. Once Americans realize just how rapidly their dollars are being debased and losing their purchasing power, it could cause a rush out of the U.S. dollar and trigger hyperinflation as early as year 2012.

America no longer has a free market economy. For everybody on Wall Street to be so fixated on the words that come out of Bernanke's mouth, it shows that the economic system we have is extremely fragile and vulnerable to collapse at any time. With prices of assets soaring in recent months just in anticipation of Bernanke's quantitative easing announcement, it shows that the world's financial system is already flooded with trillions of dollars in excess liquidity. Unless the U.S. government immediately implements dramatic spending cuts across the board, NIA believes the world is going to lose confidence in the U.S. dollar and it will be impossible for the U.S. to survive past the year 2015 without the U.S. dollar becoming worthless.

The fact that the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives last night is completely meaningless. If the U.S. government is to implement the spending cuts necessary in order to prevent hyperinflation, Americans will be faced with a second Great Depression, which NIA believes is a necessity and much better than the alternative. However, the Republicans will not risk being held responsible for the next Great Depression, because it will ensure Obama gets reelected in 2012. Therefore, NIA predicts that nothing is going to change with the Republicans taking over the House.

The only good news that came so far this week is that Rand Paul was elected to the U.S. Senate. NIA predicted in our top 10 predictions for 2010 that Rand Paul would win both the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in the State of Kentucky and the U.S. Senate seat and we are very proud that Rand Paul was victorious. NIA considers Rand Paul to be the true leader of the Tea Party movement because he fully understands the hyperinflation that awaits as a result of the Federal Reserve's actions.

NIA hopes to see Rand Paul filibuster any attempts by the U.S. Senate to raise the ceiling on our national debt. There is no reason to have a national debt ceiling if every time we reach it, Congress raises it. NIA prays that Rand Paul proposes a Balanced Budget Amendment in 2011, because this should be our government's top priority if it wants to restore confidence in the U.S. dollar and prevent a complete societal collapse.

NIA would like to apologize for the minor technical problems in the last two minutes of NIA's new 1 hour and 14 minute documentary 'End of Liberty', during the time in which NIA's President Gerard Adams was speaking. This small audio problem was caused by YouTube and out of our control. To make up for this, NIA's President will be featured in an exclusive NIA video later this month explaining in detail the hyperinflationary crisis that is ahead and how NIA members can prosper while the rest of America goes broke. As you know, NIA's President made a 378% return on his investment in silver call options that he suggested to you in February. He believes there will be many more opportunities similar to this for NIA members to become wealthy in the years ahead as the rest of America goes broke.

The most important thing for you to do to help your family members and friends survive the upcoming hyperinflationary crisis is to help them become educated to the truth. Tell them to become members of NIA for free and ask them to read our articles and watch our documentaries. If they have any questions about the U.S. economy or inflation, they can browse through our comprehensive 'NIAnswers' database and if their question hasn't already been answered by us, they can submit it to us to be added to the database. NIA will soon be announcing its most important new 'NIAnswers' of the past several months. Also, on December 7th, NIA will be releasing its latest update to its review of the major online sellers of gold and silver bullion


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Yep, good times are ahead

Prepare, the real crisis has not happened yet.

Obama and Bernanke create inflation like pouring water from a fire hydrant which will completely destroy our standard of living

History will judge these morons, and reflect back on how Obama " dug us out of the ditch" :+puking-

NIA Projects Future U.S. Food Price Increases

The National Inflation Association today announced the release of its report about NIA's projections of future U.S. food price increases due to the massive monetary inflation being created by the Federal Reserve's $600 billion quantitative easing. This report was written by NIA's President Gerard Adams, who believes food inflation will take over in 2011 as America's greatest crisis. According to Mr. Adams, making mortgage payments will soon be the last thing on the minds of all Americans. We currently have a currency crisis that could soon turn into hyperinflation and a complete societal collapse.

"For every economic problem the U.S. government tries to solve, it always creates two or three much larger catastrophes in the process," said Adams. "Just like we predicted this past December, the U.S. dollar index bounced in early 2010 and has been in free-fall ever since. Bernanke's QE2 will likely accelerate this free-fall into a complete U.S. dollar rout," warned Adams.

NIA projects that at the average U.S. grocery store it will soon cost $11.43 for one ear of corn, $23.05 for a 24 oz loaf of wheat bread, $62.21 for a 32 oz package of Domino Granulated Sugar, $24.31 for a 32 fl oz container of soy milk, $77.71 for a 11.30 oz container of Folgers Classic Roast Coffee, $45.71 for a 64 fl oz container of Minute Maid Orange Juice, and $15.50 for a Hershey's Milk Chocolate 1.55 oz candy bar. NIA also projects that by the end of this decade, a plain white men's cotton t-shirt at Wal-Mart will cost $55.57.

NIA's special U.S. food price projection report is now available to download for free at:

The report highlights how despite cotton rising by 54%, corn rising by 29%, soybeans rising by 22%, orange juice rising by 17%, and sugar rising by 51% during the months of September and October alone, these huge commodity price increases have yet to make their way into America's grocery stores because corporations have been reluctant to pass these price increases along to the consumer. In today's dismal economy, no retailer wants to be the first to dramatically raise food prices. However, NIA expects all retailers to soon substantially raise food prices at the same time, which will ensure that this Holiday shopping season will be the worst in recorded American history.


EOG Veteran
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

national inflation association? very cedible source!
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

national inflation association? very cedible source!

How's this for a "very credible source":

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.
We must make our election between economy and liberty
or profusion and servitude.
If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and
in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and
our amusements, for our calling and our creeds...
[we will] have no time to think,
no means of calling our miss-managers to account
but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves
to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers...
And this is the tendency of all human governments.
A departure from principle in one instance
becomes a precedent for [another ]...
till the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery...
And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt.
Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression."

-- Thomas Jefferson



EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Roscoe is just all pissed off that his Teen Idol Kieth O got shit canned today

Hang in there buddy, we all have bad days. Go buy some silver , you will feel better


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

]The report highlights how despite cotton rising by 54%, corn rising by 29%, soybeans rising by 22%, orange juice rising by 17%, and sugar rising by 51% during the months of September and October alone, these huge commodity price increases have yet to make their way into America's grocery stores because corporations have been reluctant to pass these price increases along to the consumer. I]
These prices have been going up and down for years.They are just now getting back to the price they was 3 years ago.All that nonsense of a ear of corn costing over $ 11 is just stupid talk!!


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Uh huh

Just like gold and silver goes up and down, and up, and up, and up....


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Uh huh

Just like gold and silver goes up and down, and up, and up, and up....
Does the weather affect the price of Gold??How about low yields affecting the price of Silver??


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Maybe its me ,but I dont think they are talking about a little rainstorm coming , thats going to be driving the price up to these levels :doh1


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Maybe its me ,but I dont think they are talking about a little rainstorm coming , thats going to be driving the price up to these levels :doh1
With QE everything is a new game.


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Well, Glenn Beck just gave them some credibility

We would like to thank Glenn Beck for featuring NIA's U.S. food price projections on his show this evening! Glenn Beck is the only person in the mainstream media who is speaking the truth about inflation and deserves the support of all NIA members!

We just posted tonight's video of Glenn Beck for you to see on our video page (start watching at 7:30 into the video):

Please watch it immediately and remember to tell your family members, friends, and co-workers to become members of NIA for free at

The only way America will survive hyperinflation is if we educate as many Americans as possible to the truth about the U.S. economy!


EOG Veteran
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Well, Glenn Beck just gave them some credibility

We would like to thank Glenn Beck for featuring NIA's U.S. food price projections on his show this evening! Glenn Beck is the only person in the mainstream media who is speaking the truth about inflation and deserves the support of all NIA members!

We just posted tonight's video of Glenn Beck for you to see on our video page (start watching at 7:30 into the video):

Please watch it immediately and remember to tell your family members, friends, and co-workers to become members of NIA for free at

The only way America will survive hyperinflation is if we educate as many Americans as possible to the truth about the U.S. economy!

glenn beck would have to have some credibility to be able to give some credibility! bruce you must have some interest in this nia sham. are you the owner,president and custodian of the association?


EOG Dedicated
Re: NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

None at all.

I started to post this information 2 years ago after being out of breadth from screaming out against the bailouts, and that we elected a marxist to be our president.

At that point I said that's it, nothing more I can do right except protect myself and my family, and maybe educate a few people about the horrific damage about to be done to our economy

I found these guys before it was cool to talk about hyperinflation and quantitative easing

I knew, and they knew , that we were about to pay a big price for the government attempting to 'stimulate" us into a recovery.

These guys are excellent, and have a great understanding of economics, and are doing a great service providing all this information for free

Nice to see Glenn do his own homework and validate them on his radio show and TV

Go back and watch the videos, they are dead on

Now protect your purchasing power, and buy some gold and silver stocks so you can afford food when this price inflation bomb hits

By the way, I have no fath at all that there is any real political will from the republicans to do what it takes to stop an inflationary depression

lots of pain coming