Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th


Uh Poster
Rules to be eligible for this weeks tournament..

1. Each and every poster who plans are participating in this needs to PM Tuckman with your poker name that will appear in the standings and your poker account number..If u have already sent either one of us a pm, u do not hafta do it again, just need to follow rule 3...

2. Must have 50 posts prior to signing up for the tournament..

3. Must say "in" or something in this thread below to declare yourself in for this week..

All these rules will be strictly enforced, so that means dont skip any of them because u will not be eligible regardless if u did 2 of them and win or place this week..Failure to do so will bump u completely out of the top 10 and u wont be eligible to win anything...

Nobody will be allowed to enter into this weeks freeroll after 8est on Sunday, come that time i will collect the names and send them over th Bookmaker so they can get u entered into it, there will be no late entries no matter what<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end --> <!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end -->​
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

In before big Daddy too :btj:


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

I'm in
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

IN please sir...12io4j2w90


EOG Addicted
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

In and thanks EOG and Bookmaker

Just Luck

EOG Dedicated
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

I'm in this week...thanks:btj:


EOG Master
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th


It is tough to beat bigdaddy who "camps out" to sign up for this tourney
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Addicted
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Master
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Addicted
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

IN 91023i2ndw;l


EOG Addicted
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Master
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Dedicated
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

in thanks


EOG Addicted
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

in thanks
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Dedicated
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

in thanks.


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Addicted
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

I'm in, thanks.


EOG Addicted
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

In, spending 5 days at the Westgate Smoky Mountains Resort & Spa. Lots of fall colors.


EOG Veteran
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Addicted
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Senior Member
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

In please :btj:


EOG Senior Member
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

in thanks


EOG Senior Member
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Enthusiast
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

Im in
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



EOG Master
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

​in please
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th



The opening odds start here
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

in ty


EOG Enthusiast
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

In Please,



EOG Enthusiast
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

my life rules.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Official signup sheet for the $1000 Bookmaker/Eog Freeroll (Oct 18th 930pm EST) -Deadline to signup 8pm EST Sunday 16th

way to go tuck you just ruined this guys life