White male discrimination


EOG Dedicated
Re: White male discrimination

Why should whitey get all the fruits on the tree? In horse racing, whitey just stands around shooting shit with the owner while the hard-working latino bends over and cleans the stalls for little or no pay. How can a white male be in charge of "diversity?" The pieces just don't fit.


EOG Addicted
Re: White male discrimination

In your scenario, there are 3 people. The owner, the trainer, and the groom. Why are the two just standing around while the groom works? They obviously have more value than the groom. There can be many reasons for this. Education, family wealth, hard work ext. It is possible the trainer at one time did clean stalls and now he would rather pay someone to do it? Why didn't the hard-working latino groom stop working and come over and shoot the shit with the owner and trainer? Maybe he liked and or needed the money. Maybe he realized that there were others close by who would like to earn the money. Is your solution to have the owner and trainer clean the stall while the hard working latino watches? Many times the hard working latino just doesn't show up for weeks and is surprised when someone else has replaced him. Should the owner and trainer clean the stalls for weeks and maybe months in case the hard working latino comes back?