Broadcasting ratings 1 thru 100


EOG Dedicated
Not a fan of Kevin Burkardt. Now Kevin Kugler is a different story. I like Kevin Kugler a lot but they seem to have him on the lower level games.


EOG Master
#1 pet peeve is when Broadcasters offer definitive coaching advice, STFU and go be a coach instead of a broadcaster then. Im talking to Kirk Herbstreit the most.


EOG Dedicated
Not a Tom Brady fan either. I'll expect big time improvement from him by the start of next year or ship his ass out. Let him work for the Raiders full time.


The opening odds start here
Seems like when Brady has the opportunity to speak, dead air overtakes his chance to elaborate a previous play. He's gotten better as the season wears on, but still falls short of the mark as he will never be a Tony Romo.


EOG Dedicated
I saw a study one time that having a certain broadcaster makes next to no difference in ratings for an NFL game. What this means is they could pay a middle of the road broadcaster 5K -10K to do a game and it wouldn't hurt the ratings. What a waste of money! We don't need Tom Brady or Tony Romo. We'll watch the games anyway!


EOG Master
I like Romo, yep, he talks a lot but most is relevant in the flow of the game. He needs to curb the 'I just hit the lottery ' tone when the play is what he predicted.