biggest pos that is currently living
cuban jew tratior mayorkas,, out side of zuckerberg the worst human livingOne of the BIGGEST #GOPDomesticTerrorists ASSCLOWNS out there.
Dude acts like he is super tough. The reality he is a PUSSY! If he cares so much about justice and holding people accountable for their actions - GO AFTER YOUR PARTY'S LEADER - DICKFACE! Go after #TraitorTrump!
a bleak prospect ...
At age 29, Liddy became the youngest[11] bureau supervisor at FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.. Under the mentorship of deputy director Cartha DeLoach,[1] Liddy secured a position on director J. Edgar Hoover's personal staff, even acting as Hoover's ghostwriter.[11]
do you really think it would have mattered? only a matter of time once you're in their gunsights, ''six ways to Sunday and all that ''
JFK and RFK still not that far away in 1974 ...