Just to be clear

Woodrow Wilson

EOG Dedicated
BREAKING: A New Zealand government whistleblower has come forward with explosive official data that shows more than 20% of the nation’s citizens have died after receiving COVID mRNA vaccines.

Check in Don E ????

Woodrow Wilson

EOG Dedicated
You guys are dumb and dumber. I am triple vaxed and will get a 4th shot in late Feb if they allow me to do it. It is obvious none of you has ever served the country. In the military, medics give you vaccine shots in each arm at the same time. With attitudes like JK's and Dell Dude's (it's all about me), this country is going nowhere fast.


Don Eagleston

EOG Addicted

Joined Dec 4, 2014

Last seen Jun 13, 2023
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Dell Dude

EOG Master
I don't know about the other vaccines but if you took the MNRA, you have shortened your life. Only question is when and howid no relation to maga poster.

mr merlin

EOG Master
I dont understand how they can claim 1 out of 3-4 people died when that obviously didn't happen?

If 1 out of 100 or 1000 died it's still criminal but claiming these enormous losses is crazy.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
It's possible, mikey. There has been a total blackout by the media worldwide. Like the US "laundering" military deaths killed in WW3 combat through fake aircraft crashes. The tell is howid they are reacting by raiding and arresting people who speak out.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
You notice (I notice) he has stopped giving detailed debunks. Now slight of hand. This is another example. He didn't debunk anything not a single thing. Just a smarmy non sequitur comment.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
I hope he took the mnra and I hope he dies suddenly but also painfully. His shit son can be sold to the Pizza boys.

Woodrow Wilson

EOG Dedicated
DD, I read the two threads here you fill with several hundred posts per week, for my X and other social media content. I only post in those threads when you're posting to yourself without any replies for multiple pages. Your reaction is similar to tossing pieces of bread into a quiet carp pond.

You provided a one-stop-shop for 18 months within the Blackcloud thread. However, you've recently shifted your power-posting to the Kane thread.
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