Old Creepy Joe. Just getting it done

mr merlin

EOG Master
Budapest agreement before 2014.... is the reason they gave their nukes to russia
That has nothing to do with the war - the US inspired coup that removed the elected leader of ukraine and the subsequent savagery and butchery in donbass and odessa started the war.


EOG Master
That has nothing to do with the war - the US inspired coup that removed the elected leader of ukraine and the subsequent savagery and butchery in donbass and odessa started the war.

nope... when you have a written agreement not supposed to have a war.... russia broke the rules..

mr merlin

EOG Master
Looks like US threats of sanctions and consequences didn't impress North korea, it's a sad time for the US when you cant bully people anymore.



EOG Dedicated
Kane, would love to get your opinion on this



EOG master
My opinion is I would prefer someone else other than Biden, but I can't control that, what I can control is voting against trump, who in my opinion, and I'm not being hyperbolic, is the single biggest threat to our nation's democracy and security, what happened Jan 6th should worry all Americans, and it could happen again, if he loses, you know he'll use the same playbook as last time, saying the election was rigged, and next time the maga army might do worse than storm the Capitol, the thought that he could be president again sends shivers down my spine, So while I would prefer someone younger than Biden, if it's a choice between him and trump, it's really not a choice, not for me

mr merlin

EOG Master
My opinion is I would prefer someone else other than Biden, but I can't control that, what I can control is voting against trump, who in my opinion, and I'm not being hyperbolic, is the single biggest threat to our nation's democracy and security, what happened Jan 6th should worry all Americans, and it could happen again, if he loses, you know he'll use the same playbook as last time, saying the election was rigged, and next time the maga army might do worse than storm the Capitol, the thought that he could be president again sends shivers down my spine, So while I would prefer someone younger than Biden, if it's a choice between him and trump, it's really not a choice, not for me
Are you some kind of democracy lover or something too?

IMO we dont need a democracy that jails their political opponents, starts wars all over the world to enrich the select few, and basically is trying to destroy society. I'll flush that down the toilet every day.


EOG Dedicated
My opinion is I would prefer someone else other than Biden, but I can't control that, what I can control is voting against trump, who in my opinion, and I'm not being hyperbolic, is the single biggest threat to our nation's democracy and security, what happened Jan 6th should worry all Americans, and it could happen again, if he loses, you know he'll use the same playbook as last time, saying the election was rigged, and next time the maga army might do worse than storm the Capitol, the thought that he could be president again sends shivers down my spine, So while I would prefer someone younger than Biden, if it's a choice between him and trump, it's really not a choice, not for me

That is definitely NOT what I expected you to say.

boston massacre

EOG Master
Are you some kind of democracy lover or something too?

IMO we dont need a democracy that jails their political opponents, starts wars all over the world to enrich the select few, and basically is trying to destroy society. I'll flush that down the toilet every day.

He's A Puppet, Who Always Obeys What The Liberal Wack Jobs. Put In Front Of Him.
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