Trump shot at rally

mr merlin

EOG Master
She talked about the dangerous regarding her family today. A paragraph not prepared by her, when Trump's freedom was in jeopardy in court, she never appeared one time for support.
Fake trials, better to not give sham trails legitimacy.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
You can see police and also howid close and clean a shot to Trump. You can here people shouting he's on the roof.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
And it is a dot dot dot straight line to the top of the assassination conspiracy. Start with who gave him the stand down order.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
I will post this. That Fight Fight Fight picture is she's perfect. I'm not saying it's staged but you couldn't improve it by a kunt hair if it was. Even down to the hottie secret service babe. And the young blonde haired male agent with shades. Also good looking. All the agents surrounding him. Trump fist pump. American flag. Will go down in history!

mr merlin

EOG Master
The biggest mistake the dopes in the secret service made is there were 20,000 people there with cell phones. As dell said, when we get the shot of the cop allowing the guy on the roof the parties over.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
This thread reminds me of the Shawskank prisoner arrival scene. Kinky is Andy Dufresne. Not a Peeps. kane is the fat boy cry for his Mommy.

Regrading to a loser.

Leave it to Der Fuhrer to do what he did Saturday. To set up a BLATANT PUBLICITY STUNT like this - disgraceful. But - typical for someone like him.

He was so "badly hurt" the Secret Service didn't even rush him off stage, but rather propped him up and set things up for a great photo of him and the flag behind him. To try a chickenshit stunt like this in a swing state is something I never thought even he would try.

By Sunday afternoon he will be trying to monetize this - including selling all sorts of merchandise with the picture of him and the SS with the flag in the background

mr merlin

EOG Master
Apparently this kid didn't even walk in with the gun in a disguised case, he walked in with a rifle, how does that happen?


EOG Master
This dude is gonna feel like a legend now escaping death by inches.

Our founding fathers have to be embarrassed by what this country has come to. Sad to see.

We've lost the plot completely.

How about Jordan Addison getting allegedly a DUI speeding after his teammate just died a week prior from basically the same shit. Went to same college as well.

We are in some crazy times. A retard was close to taking out Trump. Absolutely wild. It's gotta be the most fascinating time in American history.


EOG Master
He had a job working in the kitchen at a nursing home. Everybody said he was always respectful and quiet.

If I had to guess it was likely infamy he was going for.
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EOG Master
I'm a little miffed why a dad would buy a AR-15 as weapon of choice in the suburbs of Pennsylvania? A little over-kill, or is there more to this story? 🤔

mr merlin

EOG Master
Woke up and the local left wing radio station people are talking about being "very worried" about america, talking about toning down political discourse, etc - yea, they're worried as shit because the shooter missed.

mr merlin

EOG Master
I'm a little miffed why a dad would buy a AR-15 as weapon of choice in the suburbs of Pennsylvania? A little over-kill, or is there more to this story? 🤔
I dont get it, doesn't everyone have guns, why shouldn't they buy a gun?