Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Dinner is served,0,711610.story

Though Carlson and his five guests may have hoped to learn more about Ayers' and Dohrn's relationship with President
[FONT=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif]
Barack Obama
, the dinner included few revealing details, one of those guests, Daily Caller editor Jamie Weinstein, told Fox News.

But Weinstein told Fox News that the dinner was a "bizarre experience," and said the couple occasionally sat with the group, but mainly focused on preparing and serving the meal.

And Joe wants you to believe that they discussed the birth certificate!
Hey Joe why don't you run with the story that Ayers poisoned him??Yeah that sounds like a good WND talking point.Run with that one Joe!!
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Let's see now, we have...
  • the Kenyan's fraudulent Social Service registration a PROVEN forgery
  • missing INS records for international airline travel in the 8/1/1961 time frame
  • abstract birth certificate a PROVEN forgery
  • a Connecticut Social Security number that can't even pass E-Verify
  • a new witness with a sworn affidavit who was there with the Bill Ayers family when they were helping a foreign student (Barry Soetoro) get an American education
  • Hussein videos in 10 days
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Things are moving forward and about to get VERY interesting in the coming weeks and months.



EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Let's see now, we have...
  • missing INS records for international airline travel in the 8/1/1961 time frame
  • Yeah that is because the WHOLE DECADE is not there!!:LMAO


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

  • a new witness with a sworn affidavit who was there with the Bill Ayers family when they were helping a foreign student (Barry Soetoro) get an American education
  • Uh huh and if it is a sworn affidavit we should know who that is and can easily verify this person right??:pop:Oh that is right...they are scared and living in fear...I know, I know!:LMAO


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

  • a new witness with a sworn affidavit who was there with the Bill Ayers family when they were helping a foreign student (Barry Soetoro) get an American education
  • So someone who goes to a school in Hawaii for years is a foreign student??:+clueless:LMAO
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Uh huh and if it is a sworn affidavit we should know who that is and can easily verify this person right??


The witnesses (only one was mentioned at the press conference, but there are others) are being saved for the criminal trial. In other words, they won't be exposed to lying smear merchants who are itching to rummage through their garbage in order to discredit them.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Things are moving forward and about to get VERY interesting in the coming weeks and months.
Yeah that's what we heard about Indiana too and how did that turn out??
That is what we heard about Pennsylvania too and already one of those cases has been laughed out of court.
Oh and that appeal down in Georgia just got laughed out of court today too.:houra
Still batting ZERO!!


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")


The witnesses (only one was mentioned at the press conference, but there are others) are being saved for the criminal trial. In other words, they won't be exposed to lying smear merchants who are inching to rummage through their garbage trying to discredit them.
So you mean they are going to testify in front of Congress then?I cannot wait!!This will be great!Now who is going to head up this ''criminal trial''??:LMAOUnder what charges??:LMAO
What proof??:LMAO


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

You do know the posse never even contacted the Hawaii DOH don't you?
So how can they verify anything without even talking to them?
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

You do know the posse never even contacted the Hawaii DOH don't you?
So how can they verify anything without even talking to them?

And you know this how? I guess you have a mole inside the posse?

The Hawaii DOH has been contacted on numerous occasions and has refused to cooperate, or confirm and deny anything. As Sheriff Joe said at yesterday's press conference, they are part of the problem.
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Passports probe focuses on worker

The State Department investigation of improper computer access to passport records of three presidential candidates is focusing on one remaining employee — a contract worker with a company headed by an adviser to the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

IMMEDIATE QUESTIONS Arise on Breitbart Death, Chemically Induced Heart Attacks Possible

March 1, 2012, 1:54 pm By Arlen Williams 7 Comments

Gulag Bound Preface:

Please pardon this brought up so soon, but time is of the essence. We suggest and if it were in our power, would demand the greatest level of forensic expertise and attention paid to this death by apparent natural causes. Conclusive expertise applied immediately is much, much better than what comes from any alternative. ? AW

Andrew Breitbart, AP photo (

From Pat Dollard

More On Breitbart?s Mysterious Death: Walking Alone By House In Dead Of Night, Family Doesn?t Know Exactly Where, Collapses, ?It Looks Like A Heart Attack, But No One Knows?? With Video Of Heart Attack-Inducing Gun

<center><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="480" height="351"></iframe>
[Video, "CIA secret weapon of assassination Heart Attack Gun,
Declassified 1975, New World Order Report

</center>Los Angeles Times:Andrew Breitbart, the 43-year-old conservative writer who died Thursday morning, was found collapsed on the sidewalk near his Westwood home while taking a nighttime walk, his father-in-law told The Times.

Breitbart was found about 12:30 or 1 a.m.

?He was walking near the house somewhere?. He was taken by paramedics to UCLA and they couldn?t revive him,? said his father-in-law, actor Orson Bean, who spoke with his daughter, Susannah Bean Breitbart, about what happened.

?We?re devastated. I loved him like a son,? Bean said. ?It looks like a heart attack, but no one knows until? an autopsy is done.

Bean said experts at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Westwood suspected he died of natural causes.

Breitbart?s mother-in-law, Alison Mills Bean, called Breitbart ?one of the most genuine people I?ve met in my life?. He always spoke the truth of his heart and no matter what people agreed or disagreed with him he never wavered.

?And he was loved by a lot of people. And I know a lot of people found fault with his points of view ? but everyone loved him. It is a great loss for everybody.?

Breitbart is survived by his wife, four children, Samson, 12; Mia, 10; Charlie, 6; and William, 4, his sister, Tracy, and his parents, Jerry and Arlene.

contributor, Tallulah Starr ? tw: @TallulahStarr
tw: @ArlenWms

Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Andrew Breitbart makes a bold announcement that he's going to expose the Kenyan criminal fraud on March 1st, then just happens to die of "natural causes" on the SAME DAY.

Obviously, someone was trying to send a message to future Andrew Breitbarts.

For those useful idiots still defending this evil tyrant, you shall be judged harshly, just as the German people were after the world discovered the Holocaust.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

And you know this how? I guess you have a mole inside the posse?

The Hawaii DOH has been contacted on numerous occasions and has refused to cooperate, or confirm and deny anything. As Sheriff Joe said at yesterday's press conference, they are part of the problem.
They have cooperated to the letter of the law.How are they the problem??They won't break the law and let someone get the original?Since they have already copied the original already what is left to do??I know, I know they are lying and part of the cover up correct?:shoot:


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Passports probe focuses on worker

The State Department investigation of improper computer access to passport records of three presidential candidates is focusing on one remaining employee — a contract worker with a company headed by an adviser to the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama
Uh huh and they looked at Clinton's and McCains too so what does this have to do with anything?Another attempt to fit your agenda and nothing else.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

IMMEDIATE QUESTIONS Arise on Breitbart Death, Chemically Induced Heart Attacks Possible



EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Andrew Breitbart makes a bold announcement that he's going to expose the Kenyan criminal fraud on March 1st, then just happens to die of "natural causes" on the SAME DAY.

Obviously, someone was trying to send a message to future Andrew Breitbarts.

For those useful idiots still defending this evil tyrant, you shall be judged harshly, just as the German people were after the world discovered the Holocaust.
And they still never got that damn video either right?This all just makes so much sense!:shoot:


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

So he is known to have heart problems but all of a sudden he is wiped out by Obama!!You can't make this shit up!!Unreal!
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Uh huh and they looked at Clinton's and McCains too so what does this have to do with anything?Another attempt to fit your agenda and nothing else.

The breaches of McCain's and Clinton's files were done for misdirection purposes (remember, the main suspect had ties to the Obama campaign) to create confusion and to make it appear the motives of the perpetrators could be attributable entirely to idle curiosity.

In any event, the main suspect who was cooperating with investigators in that case was found shot dead in what appeared to be a drive-by shooting.

Like I said...

Obots smear merchants are the moral equivalent of German people looking the other way while Jews were being sent to die in ovens.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

The breaches of McCain's and Clinton's files were done for misdirection purposes (remember, the main suspect had ties to the Obama campaign)
Uh huh and you can prove this right?Just be honest and admit they was all snooping at everyone's and it did not have shit to do with anything .Another attempt to fit your agenda.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

In any event, the main suspect who was cooperating with investigators in that case was found shot dead in what appeared to be a drive-by shooting.
I would love to read the article on this!!
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Uh huh and you can prove this right?Just be honest and admit they was all snooping at everyone's and it did not have shit to do with anything .Another attempt to fit your agenda.

My agenda is the TRUTH...what's YOUR agenda? :+clueless


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

The breaches of McCain's and Clinton's files were done for misdirection purposes (remember, the main suspect had ties to the Obama campaign) to create confusion and to make it appear the motives of the perpetrators could be attributable entirely to idle curiosity.
And the other 2 worked for who?See it doesn't matter !
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Donald Young and the other gay black members in the Kenyan's "church"...key witness in Obama passport fraud Andrew Breitbart...

Anyone starting to see a pattern?



EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

My agenda is the TRUTH...what's YOUR agenda? :+clueless
Truth that you cannot back up with facts or prove anything.What you call truth everyone else calls bullshit!You believe salesmen that have an agenda and that is making money !What truth have you presented ??After 102 court case losses and still peddling bullshit you still have nothing but unfounded accusations and have not proven one single thing!Same old same old!
Hey buy Sheriff Joe's new book huh and keep talking about truth like you would know what that is!


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Donald Young and the other gay black members in the Kenyan's "church"...key witness in Obama passport fraud Andrew Breitbart...

Anyone starting to see a pattern?


:LMAO:LMAOYou lie so much that you cannot even keep track of your own lies!!
It was because Obama had gay sex with him ...remember?:LMAO:LMAO:LMAO
For God's sake at least start keeping your lies right !:shoot:
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Truth that you cannot back up with facts or prove anything.

I back everything with facts and links - unlike the Obot smear merchants. You just ignore reality and move onto something totally irrelevant, like Dr. Corsi selling a book.

Btw, I have a Paypal link on my website, does that make me an opportunistic fraud too? Maybe the Kenyan's Chicago Gestapo should be going through my garbage as well.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Donald Young and the other gay black members in the Kenyan's "church"...key witness in Obama passport fraud Andrew Breitbart...

Anyone starting to see a pattern?

Okay I will play along....PROOF PLEASE!!I am sure you can find a blogger somewhere to fit your agenda huh?That is the only ''truth'' you have is from bat shit crazy bloggers that fit your agenda!


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

I back everything with facts and links - unlike the Obot smear merchants. You just ignore reality and move onto something totally irrelevant, like Dr. Corsi selling a book.

Btw, I have a Paypal link on my website, does that make me an opportunistic fraud too? Maybe the Kenyan's Chicago Gestapo should be going through my garbage as well.
fUNNY BUT THE oBOTS USE STATE LAW AND PROVE THEIR FACTS AND YOU DO NOT USE those why??That is all the proof anyone needs to see and they have!
All your so called facts have lost 102 court cases and all you have is excuses as to why!102 court losses and you say you prove your claims??:LMAO:LMAOYou are still batting ZERO!
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Okay I will play along....PROOF PLEASE!!I am sure you can find a blogger somewhere to fit your agenda huh?That is the only ''truth'' you have is from bat shit crazy bloggers that fit your agenda!

No agenda, just facts with legit links, as always.

Obama alleged gay lovers - murdered

Main suspect in Obama passport fraud case - murdered

Andrew Breitbart, known conservative journalist who took down ACORN and Anthony Weiner, and vowed Obama was next on his list - murdered (oops, I mean he died of "natural causes")

Joe reports, you decide. :pop:


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Donald Young and the other gay black members in the Kenyan's "church"...key witness in Obama passport fraud Andrew Breitbart...

Anyone starting to see a pattern?

Yes we are starting to see a pattern cannot keep your lies straight!
Was it the passport or gay sex this week?:LMAO:LMAO:LMAOYou are blinded by your own agenda and cannot even keep em straight yourself!!:shoot:


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

No agenda, just facts with legit links, as always.

Obama alleged gay lovers - murdered

Main suspect in Obama passport fraud case - murdered

Andrew Breitbart, known conservative journalist who took down ACORN and Anthony Weiner, and vowed Obama was next on his list - murdered (oops, I mean he died of "natural causes")

Joe reports, you decide. :pop:
Uh huh and let's see these ''legit'' links!!All you have is unfounded accusations that get laughed out of court and if you would have proven anything you would not be 0-102 in court cases!
The proof is in 102 court cases!All cases that you yapped about winning or proving something and yet here we are still looking at 102 losses!!
This reminds me of all the yapping when Trump was going to prove something too!!We know how that turned out too!!


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Joe reports, you decide. :pop:
Yes Joe reports the most insane shit any bat shit crazy blogger can come up with.As long as it fits the agenda!
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Yes Joe reports the most insane shit any bat shit crazy blogger can come up with.As long as it fits the agenda!

Key witness in passport fraud case fatally shot

Joe reports the facts and always provides legit mainstream links to back everything up.

My agenda is the truth. What's YOUR agenda again? :+clueless
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

And tank wants Sheriff Joe to trot out his star witnesses, so the Obot smear merchants (or God forbid, the Kenyan's Chicago Mob hit squad) can target them. :shoot:


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

Key witness in passport fraud case fatally shot

Joe reports the facts and always provides legit mainstream links to back everything up.

My agenda is the truth. What's YOUR agenda again? :+clueless
One agency employee, who was not identified in documents filed in U.S. District Court, was implicated in a credit-card fraud scheme after Lt. Harris told federal authorities he obtained “passport information from a co-conspirator who works for the U.S. Department of State.”

:LMAO:LMAOProving it didn't have shit to do with any cover up of a passport!!Thanks!

This is also fitting...


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

And tank wants Sheriff Joe to trot out his star witnesses, so the Obot smear merchants (or God forbid, the Kenyan's Chicago Mob hit squad) can target them. :shoot:
These witnesses do not even exist.Just like the failed fallacies of the past so called experts or witnesses.They have never amounted to shit or proven anything.Those are the facts along with 102 court case losses.


EOG Dedicated
Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")

One agency employee, who was not identified in documents filed in U.S. District Court, was implicated in a credit-card fraud scheme after Lt. Harris told federal authorities he obtained “passport information from a co-conspirator who works for the U.S. Department of State.”

:LMAO:LMAOProving it didn't have shit to do with any cover up of a passport!!Thanks!

This is also fitting...
BTW what was suppose to be cover upped in the passport??:+clueless