6 days was the longest I've stayed at a place since the next day it was rented out to someone else. I try to average it out to $30/day. I also have some ways of staying for cheaper that if you think a little bit shouldn't be hard to figure out.
Last month I spent $780 on airbnb places.
I always get a private room and haven't done an entire house as the cost for a house is out of my range.
I need to look into house sitting on craigslist and have looked into finding a rental of a private room and bathroom on craigslist. I'm sure I could find something with all utilities included for $500-$600/month. Having use of a kitchen would most likely be included.
The privacy part is what I'd want the most. No places with multiple roommates.
Wait you only stay max 6 days... don't you get tired of having to move around places this much? I thought you stay minimum that many days due to not wanting to pay for cleaning etc. Is there a reason why you don't stay like 2 weeks at a time at least? Or is almost every place you rent out usually booked so you can not get that many days. Is there a reason why you don't book like a month in a place? Is cleaning price same or more if you stay a month?
I thought the only reason why you would move to another airbnb after 6 days is because of the weekend rate at that airbnb? Or not because if you go to another airbnb, wouldn't the prices be similar?
Yea privacy is the most important part. But couldn't you find something like this pretty easily say off strip like in henderson or summerlin? Something like 700-800 a month for a studio? Also some of these places might even have their own bathroom?
Im curious but whenever you stay at a place, do you use the kitchen much? Is is strange using the kitchen? I would feel a bit strange using the kitchen of someone who is renting out teir airbnb when they are there.
You mean you don't want a place where there are 2 or more roommates? Im curious but what type of person would you prefer to rent from? Like a single guy or woman or couple or a family? Or none of that matters?
The other thing i thought was this. Which ever airbnb you stayed at, are the places you stay at they give you a key or its like digital code? Also when do they usually leave the house and when do you come by? Because i would feel like assuming someone in vegas just works a regular job or work on the strip, wouldn't it feel weird when their guest come home after midnight etc a lot if say they play poker and obviously poker is played mostly late at night? For example if i didn't gamble, i wouldn't feel comfortable with someone who comes back to my home late at night etc if you know what i mean. I assume you don't have any issues like this? However, its like if you rent a room, well the person at the house will hear you when you come in etc. But say if you had your own studio or private entrance to a room... well that would be a lot better and more privacy. Do you know if many places like that exist? Such as you are renting a private room with a private entrance? That way you can't disturb the owner when you come home late? I know in some vegas rentals a long time ago, some places advertise own room and own bathroom and even private entrance. So only time you really have to bump into anyone would be when cooking in kitchen etc.