if you have an itch to try to move to vegas just fucking do it. most likely, as in in my case so far, it isnt going to work but at least you have the experience. everything doesn't have to be absolutely perfect to do it. go and figure it out.
just have say 50 bets and some other living money. give it a 30 day or 60 day trial.
live and learn.
Now to comment on the other things about going to vegas
First off, i have done this already a while back. I stayed in vegas for close to 3 months less than 10 years ago. I stayed at hotels and kept moving from the strip to downtown because of the hotel fees. This was when you didn't have those resort fees etc. Such as you could stay at imperial palace for 25 dollars a day during the weekdays. There were few days i got comped there as well at the cnet properties. Then on weekends, i went downtown because of the high weekend fees on the strip that included imperial palace. So i have done this previously. But now it seems like its much more expensive to do this as the resort fees are huge. You have to be paying at least 2k a month it seems minimum to stay at hotels for a month in vegas and that probably would mean strip and downtown mixed in. So if you don't want to move around, its going to be at least 3k? Also back then i rode the deuce bus to get around. I won't want to do this anymore. For you, its not that bad because you have a car to get around. Thats why i want to know if there are places where you can rent short term like extended stay place or apartment that doesn't require a long lease such as a few months or even month to month because that would be perfect for most ppl who want to do this. I read that renting in vegas now is much more expensive than it was less than 10 years ago.
Also here is something else. Im not in the US at the moment,. Im in another country and i relocated here years ago. How many people do you know that relocated outside the us to play online poker or bet sports? Very few ppl would ever do this as its completely different and moving out of your element.. Moving to vegas is much simpler for them then that.
I did this to play online poker such as playing on pokerstars and other poker sites US players cannot play on and bet sports offshore as i have accounts at pinnacle and many other sites US players do not have. How many people you know in the US relocated outside the US and have access to pokerstars and Pinnacle? Do you know many people here that done this on this forum? I would guess either 0 or 1 at the most. And none of them are poker players.
This was a much tougher transition than when i went to vegas for a few months. In vegas, the issue was finding a place but i decided to stay in hotels instead. Try moving to another country, renting is tougher, then you have to do banking which is a huge hassle. Try relocating to another country and see how tough it is. For vegas, my only issue would be finding a short term place as I don't want to sign something for 1 year since i dont' want to get locked down for that long if i want to leave in a few months. Also in vegas, you don't have to do things like create a bank account because well... all or most of us have one since we are American.
Also you have to know back then in vegas, there were very few apps that were around at the time. I recall it was just cantor, stations and a few other ones. So the climate in vegas back then when i was there is much different now. Also poker there when i played, i mostly played low stakes at the time, the games were very soft. Now i heard poker is tough even at the 1/3 stakes. When i played 1/3 in vegas back then when i was there, i was either the best or 2nd best player at the table almost every time. Now i probably would not be since i havent played live poker cash games in a long time and players are obviously not as bad as they were.
So i probably have went out of my comfort zone more than almost everyone here. Who here relocated outside the US so they can bet at pinnacle and other non us books or play on pokerstars? Going to vegas is not that hard. Finding a place to stay to me is the biggest hassle in vegas since i won't have a car.