Detroit Lions 2023 Season Thread


EOG Dedicated
Dan Campbell was on 97.1 this morning, go to the link below, and click on 7:54am link, and move ahead to precisely 8:02am

Go to this link:

click on Stony and Janson, 1/2/2024, then and click on 7:54am link, and move ahead to precisely 8:02am to hear the interview.

It's quite interesting and confrontational.

boston massacre

EOG Master
Follow the Money, Jan 1, 2024 show, hour 1

Pauly and Mitch on VSiN's commentary on the Lions vs Dallas

Good That The NFL Announced That Lions and Referee Were Both at Fault.

Lions Sent 3 Linemen in Referee's Direction .

That Was Done To Mask, Which of The 3 Was Reporting as Eligible.

It Was Intended To Confuse The Cowboys .

But It Also Ended Up Confusing The Referee .

Taylor Decker " 68 " Didn't Rub His Chest , To Signal That He Was Reporting.

The Referee Announced The Wrong Player as Eligible .

He Announced " 70 " over The Loudspeaker not " 68 "

The Lions Heard The Announcement .

After Hearing The Referee's Mistake, They Could Have Audibled Out of The Play, or Called a Timeout, But They Didn't Have Any Timeouts , so They Ran The Play Anyway.

The Taylor Decker controversy: Here's the NFL rule on reporting to an official about being an eligible receiver​

If you’re an INELIGIBLE receiver (someone with a number between 50 and 79 or 90 to 99), you may be eligible if you do this:
[P]rovided that he immediately reports the change in his eligibility status to the Referee, who will inform the defensive team.
He must participate in such eligible or ineligible position as long as he is continuously in the game, but prior to each play he must again report his status to the Referee, who will inform the defensive team. The game clock shall not be stopped, and the ball shall not be put in play until the Referee takes his normal position.

That’s it. Nothing more than that. Whether the referee understood that Decker was reporting eligible or not is the question.
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EOG Master
Campbell is going to play his starters in a meaningless game. I don't disagree with that.

Rested teams don't fare to well to open the playoffs... pretty sure he knows that

Dell Dude

EOG Master
That’s it. Nothing more than that. Whether the referee understood that Decker was reporting eligible or not is the question.

Here is the solution. You Republica ready?


Done. Never again forever a problem. In the rare occurrence where injuries knock out all skilled position players (SF NFC championship) then and only then can there be an exception.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
I would go through the entertainment rules book line by line, Lisa Page by Lisa Page and simplify, tighten.


EOG Master
Goodell has the power to overturn a result that is grossly unfair....with that being said, many on social media think he will do it. lol

mr merlin

EOG Master
Deception is part of the game, detroit got a little too sneaky and it cost them , if 68 was the only guy to go up to the ref this never would have happened.

And if campbell wasn't a moron and had kicked the XP after the penalty they might have won in OT and no one would still be talking about it either.
Jerry Jones actually pretty much nailed it as to this situation:

“But let me put it like this: The defensive team is supposed to know who the eligible receivers are. Anything you do to fuzzy that up can get fuzzy for you.”

* * *

I still think that, generally, NFL officiating just careens from clusterfuck to clusterfuck -- they need to right that ship.

But, with all the dust mainly having settled on this particular story, Detroit basically made the bed that it is lying in, in multiple respects.

boston massacre

EOG Master
Deception is part of the game, detroit got a little too sneaky and it cost them , if 68 was the only guy to go up to the ref this never would have happened.

And if campbell wasn't a moron and had kicked the XP after the penalty they might have won in OT and no one would still be talking about it either.


But 3 Linemen Went Up To The Ref.


To Confuse Dallas.

But They Also Confused The Ref.

And The NFL , Rightly So, Put The Blame on Both The Ref. and Lions.

boston massacre

EOG Master
Dan Campbell was on 97.1 this morning, go to the link below, and click on 7:54am link, and move ahead to precisely 8:02am

Go to this link:

click on Stony and Janson, 1/2/2024, then and click on 7:54am link, and move ahead to precisely 8:02am to hear the interview.

It's quite interesting and confrontational.

He's A Real Piece of Work.



Bells Beer Connoisseur
Here is the solution. You Republica ready?


Done. Never again forever a problem. In the rare occurrence where injuries knock out all skilled position players (SF NFC championship) then and only then can there be an exception.
And to make it easier to enforce, change the rules on positions and numbering.


EOG Dedicated
Thats the coaches fault!! He thinks he is still in high school. The Charger coach did stupid shit too and you know where he is at today. Both coaches going for it on their own 20 at 4th and 5. Did you hear what Jimmy Johson said. You cant let your emotions get the best of you when they still went for it at the 7 yard line. Jim said you were outplaying them and at the 7 you kick extra point and beat them in overtime!!

boston massacre

EOG Master
Thats the coaches fault!! He thinks he is still in high school. The Charger coach did stupid shit too and you know where he is at today. Both coaches going for it on their own 20 at 4th and 5. Did you hear what Jimmy Johson said. You cant let your emotions get the best of you when they still went for it at the 7 yard line. Jim said you were outplaying them and at the 7 you kick extra point and beat them in overtime!!

Campbell Seems To Want To Play Hero, a Little Too Much.

mr merlin

EOG Master
Campbell Seems To Want To Play Hero, a Little Too Much.
He's a dumb jock, simple as that. Bold and aggressive is one thing, reckless and stupid is another. He's shown no ability to balance taking chances with the situation and risks if it fails - going for it on 4th an 2 from midfield is not the same as faking a punt from your own 20 or going for 2 from the 7(down by 1)

Dell Dude

EOG Master
On Coach C's defence. Not zero sum or it is zero sum? Explained. 5 yards back is 7 yards for the win or 38 for OT. Still plus EV to take your XP but depending on kicker and distance, at some point, might as well play Tyler Herro ball. Let's say 15 yards back for 2 or 48 yards for 1.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
Coach C again with questionable decision. Why play starters when your seed is set? It's different strokes for the 49ers and Ravens. Already getting 1 week off. Play starters to keep them in form. Lions, no reason.