Bill, all I see -- up and down the roster list -- are bullshit majors, as you put it.
Where are the engineers and mathematicians?
I see mostly sociology, psychology, human development and international business students.
Maybe Jake Killingsworth, the business analytics student, could improve our basketball betting models.
Sociology and psychology are the bullshit majors. Intl business is bullshit at some commuter schools, but its serious stuff at UCSD. Yeah the engineers and pre-med kids would be more impressive, but no serious athlete can do those at a high level at a serious grind like UCSD. My sister did pre-med for 2 years, was a perfect student in HS and just couldn't keep up with the competition there. Most were Asians who literally studied 100 hours a week and didn't seem to sleep much. She said in classes some of them resemble those kids who do the spelling contests, teacher would ask something and they could repeat word for word two paragraphs from the book without looking. I don't think a starting power forward can keep up.