What happened to Kane’s thread for Dell Dude?

mr merlin

EOG Master
Newsome is very pretty, but he cant fight.

Him standing there and giving Biden an A +, saying he's sharp as a tack, blaming repubs for the border, saying he's working hard for the homeless, and finally saying outright that CA has lower taxes than FL for middle income people are things that will fool no one.

Everything that came out of his mouth were liberal talking points and outright delusions.

That doesn't mean desantis is going to get the nomination, of course he's not, but there was no contest last night.

It was hysterical watching every FOX talking head say that Hannity did a fantastic job after the debate. I dont think i've ever seen a moderator who had less control of a debate, he was basically run over by both men.

mr merlin

EOG Master

By Dasha Burns and Nnamdi Egwuonwu

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and California Gov. Gavin Newsom were apparently having so much fun debating each other Thursday night that they decided to keep it going longer than planned.

After roughly 90 minutes, Fox News host Sean Hannity, who was the event’s moderator, said that while they had to wrap up, he had more time on his show and plenty more questions.

“Let’s just do an extended hour. I’m happy to do it,” Newsom said.

Just before going to commercial break, Hannity teased out that the debate would continue: “We will take a break. They have agreed to stay. Well, that’s I guess the debate on the fly. We’ll continue on the other side and later have live post-debate coverage.”

But the debate didn’t continue. After the break, Hannity said the candidates had to leave for “other commitments.”

Behind the scenes, the atmosphere was far less jovial. The matchup was between two governors on opposite sides of the spectrum who have long used each other as foils, and while DeSantis is currently running for president, he is trailing behind former President Trump in the Republican primary by large margins. So the debate also offered a preview of a 2028 debate between two potential opponents.

What the audience didn’t see — and what at least five sources shared with NBC News — is that off-screen, there were significant disagreements happening. The DeSantis and Newsom teams were both arguing that the other side was breaking the rules that were agreed upon in advance — particularly keeping distance between the candidates and their guests.

According to four sources in the DeSantis camp — one who witnessed the moment in the room and three others who were standing backstage (where there was no press or live studio audience) — Newsom’s wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, came into the debate room on at least two occasions to raise some objections.

She also made her way to the stage during the break after the candidates agreed to extend the debate and put an end to it.
DeSantis and Newsom face off in unusual debate
Dec. 1, 202302:39

A fifth source on the ground, unaffiliated with either campaign, confirmed that Siebel Newsom ended the debate on her husband’s behalf, saying, “We’re done.”

“Gavin Newsom got beat so badly last night his wife literally had to throw in the towel for him. It was embarrassing,” DeSantis spokesman Andrew Romeo said.

One of Siebel Newsom's complaints centered around DeSantis’ mention of her father. DeSantis claimed that he told him he moved from California to Florida because it was better governed.
House votes to expel indicted Rep. George Santos from Congress
2024 Election
How religion plays into Ron DeSantis' public image — from 'armor of God' to a Bible ordered on Amazon

A Newsom aide denied that Siebel Newsom was the reason the debate ended and said that the decision not to keep going with the debate was mutual, saying that staffers from both teams complained to producers when Hannity tried to extend it.

In his spin room after the debate, Newsom told reporters that they didn’t keep it going longer because “everyone started panicking on both sides” as each candidate “had some place to be.”

The Newsom source also accused DeSantis of having several conversations with a staffer and his wife, Casey DeSantis, that were shut down by Fox only after a staffer for Newsom complained. (A Fox spokesperson denied having to step in on this matter.) The person said Casey DeSantis entered the debate room at least twice as well.

And they said that DeSantis had a teleprompter in his line of sight that showed the questions Hannity would be asking, while Newsom did not have the same advantage.

A Fox News spokesperson denied this saying neither candidate was able to see any of the debate questions, either before or during the debate.

Newsom's team also took issue with DeSantis' use of props — a couple of images he held up during the debate — saying that those had been barred in advance.

A Fox spokeperson told NBC News that the word "props" was never discussed ahead of the debate. The rules simply stated that neither side could use a multimedia production.

mr merlin

EOG Master
Today the ukes abandoned a town they had fought over for 10 yrs, meanwhile russia prepares to pound the ukrainain army to dust.


mr merlin

EOG Master

Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Biden to Be Handed Delegates​

133 [IMG alt="Joe Biden"]https://media.breitbart.com/media/2023/11/Joe-Biden-640x480.jpg[/IMG]The White House / Flickr
Nick Gilbertson1 Dec 2023445


Florida Democrats are keeping Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and President Joe Biden’s other opponents off the state’s primary ballot, effectively handing Biden the state’s 250 delegates, Politico noted Thursday night.
Thursday marked the deadline for the Florida Democrat and Republican parties to submit their lists of approved candidates for their receptive primaries, and Biden was the lone name on the Democrat ticket, per Politico.
Phillips took to X to contend that the move disenfranchises millions of Florida voters and said he would challenge “this absolute nonsense.’

“What happened in Florida yesterday is a tragedy and a travesty. The Florida Democratic Party – just a handful of people – decided to disenfranchise millions of Democratic voters in Florida by saying, ‘We’re not gonna have a presidential primary,’” Phillips said in a video posted Thursday.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
What do you think, mikey. Concerned former FBI warning Swammy or dirty and threatening? Watch it at least 3X. 2nd and 3rd concentrate on dialouge.

mr merlin

EOG Master
What do you think, mikey. Concerned former FBI warning Swammy or dirty and threatening? Watch it at least 3X. 2nd and 3rd concentrate on dialouge.
It is interesting that Rammy put that out himself. I dont think he would be the first target the enemy would go after considering he's faltering and stuck in single digits.

Of course haley is in single digits too.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
This is a story you have to do a hustle double take to confirm it is what it appears. Then come to the realization Republicans have been in Samantha Powers for almost a year and have done nothing about it. And you don't think the FBI is in control?

Dell Dude

EOG Master
I want to write about Democrats using Lawfare to set or break another precedent. A DC appeals court has ruled Presidents can now be sued for words and actions during their term if not part of their official duties. Also applies criminally. Trump is facing 2 criminal trials over J6 and we are basically the Supreme Court away from making it signed, sealed and delivered.

Think of Nixon when he said if a President does it, it's legal. While not entirely Truth Social, it was the fragile precedent. Ford avoided testing it by pardoning him. Starr avoided it by declining to prosecute Clinton. Democrats are enthusiastically pushing it. You can think of a scenario where Nixon would be wrong. If his pollster gave him bad news and he decided to fire him with a bullet in his head, that would probably be enough to make it prosecutable.

If this Lawfare precedent holds, all Presidents will be vulnerable to civil and criminal. Let's say Biden gives a speech accusing Elon Musk of being a Chinese asset. Musk could sue him for slander by arguing he was not acting as President. If Biden said Musk was a national threat and somebody kills Musk, Biden could be charged for inciting murder.

Democrats don't Alan Karre. Mark my post. Impeachment was the old Lawfare. Arrested development is the new thing. If Trump is elected, they will continue with trials and once they get convictions will try to put him in prison while he is President of the United States. Wouldn't this ignite a constitutional crisis? Yes it would. Wouldn't it also lead to violence and possibly an all out Civil War? Yes it would.

Democrats keep saying Trump is a unique threat to our laws and norms while they break our laws and norms. That's where we are and if they are not stopped, they will take it all the way until our society and country explodes.

Dell Dude

EOG Master
If Washington wins, they are the 1st official playoff team. 3 of these left:

Florida State
Ohio State