Dink tweets some worrisome CT scan results


Bells Beer Connoisseur
I stole the format of the Gary Payton II story from David Schuster, longtime radio talent in Chicago.

While we were working at SportsPhone in Chicago, Schuster told a story about defeating Tracy Austin in a game of tennis.

He was 14, she was 8.

Always good for a chuckle.
Schuster still works at The Score.


EOG Master

Column: David Schuster lost his job at WSCR-AM 670 — but not his sense of humor: ‘At least I’m not lying down yet’​

By Paul Sullivan
Chicago Tribune
Apr 03, 2020 at 1:12 pm


EOG Master
Any update on how Dink is doing?
with nevada being a swing state the less liberal voters the better, but personally i think he is a huge chalk to be alive in 2023, maybe -400, also a -160 chalk to be alive in 2027 since this kind of cancer is a slow mover and also very beatable if he ever decides to do treatment.

mr merlin

EOG Master
with nevada being a swing state the less liberal voters the better, but personally i think he is a huge chalk to be alive in 2023, maybe -400, also a -160 chalk to be alive in 2027 since this kind of cancer is a slow mover and also very beatable if he ever decides to do treatment.
if that was true he wouldn't be in hospice.


EOG Dedicated
On a serious note, Dink is not tweeting about his health any more.
This might be better news than reports of a hospice stay with morphine injections every 4 hours but not by much.


EOG Master
I guess no news is good news.

Never listen to dr's and never go into hospice.
wasnt docs you suggested hospice, it was his libtard freinds who dont believe in sanctity of life or dont beleive in powering thru pain. This is why God put man in charge of family unit and not women. God doesnt make mistakes, people do.

mr merlin

EOG Master
wasnt docs you suggested hospice, it was his libtard freinds who dont believe in sanctity of life or dont beleive in powering thru pain. This is why God put man in charge of family unit and not women. God doesnt make mistakes, people do.
Amen brother, amen!


EOG Dedicated
Sorry to hear about Lymphoma. Was just watching "The Best of It" last week. The stress of earning a living by Sports Betting probably didn't help.


EOG Master

New Cancer Drug Beats Chemotherapy in Study​

Amgen’s Lumakras targets a mutation called KRAS that is common among many cancers​
